WSL Updates for April 30, 2015
Volume 11, April 30, 2015 for the WSL Updates mailing list Topics include: 1) WSL SDL PROQUEST RENEWAL 2) SDL NEEDS ASSESSMENT RESULTS RELEASED 3) NOW HEAR THIS: LESSONS IN MUSIC ADVISORY WEBINAR 4) WASHINGTON RURAL HERITAGE GRANT CYCLE OPEN 5) CONFERENCES AHEAD 6) HELP FOR THE SMALLEST 7) FREE CE OPPORTUNITIES NEXT WEEK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) WSL SDL PROQUEST RENEWAL The Washington State Library Statewide Database Licensing (SDL) project announces the 2015-2016 ProQuest package renewal. As usual, the renewal is automatic, unless a library submits a cancellation form by May 27, 2015.
- K-12 school libraries should contact their local ESD (Educational Service District). For more information, visit the SDL ProQuest Subscription Renewal page at
- To learn more about the WRH and to see a full list of contributors to WRH, please visit.
- To review eligibility requirements, grant guidelines, and to download grant applications, go to
- For questions and to discuss potential projects, applicants are encouraged to contact Evan Robb, Washington Rural Heritage Project Manager, at 360.704.5228 or [email protected].
- The application deadline for this grant cycle is Friday, May 15, 2015.