From Our Corner

Archives treasure #3: State Supreme Court files, 1854-1998


(The State Supreme Court in 1968. Photo courtesy of the State Archives' Susan Parish Collection.)

As the repository for Washington’s governmental records and documents, the… Read more

WSL Updates for September 13, 2012

Volume 8, September 13, 2012 for the WSL Updates mailing list Topics include: 1) BE A VOICE FOR LIBRARIES 2) CATCH THE EARLY BIRD – REGISTER NOW FOR WALE 2012 3) BE INSPIRED – REGISTER NOW FOR “LIBRARIES OUT LOUD” 4) WORLD BOOK NIGHT 2013 5) APPLY NOW FOR 2013 NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK GRANT 6) FREE CE OPPORTUNITIES NEXT WEEK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) BE A VOICE FOR LIBRARIES The Library Council of… Read more

WA unable to use immigration databank to check voter eligiblity

이미지 Washington election officials have determined that the state will be unable to use a federal Homeland Security database of legal immigrants to check voting eligibility. In July, Secretary of State Sam Reed requested access to data on over 100 million… Read more

SecReed's SE Wash. tour: Day 2

Image On the second day of his tour through southeastern Washington, Secretary of State Reed is visiting Asotin County, including stops in Clarkston and the county seat of Asotin. Here is a view of the Snake River between Clarkston and Lewiston, Idaho.

Back to School: Not Just for Kids

The kids are back to school and things are kicking into high gear for training librarians. This fall promises to be a busy and educational season for library staff. With our Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds from the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) we are gearing up to offer high impact trainings this fall, both on the ground and online.

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New digital collection: North Central Washington Heritage

[caption id="attachment_8613" align="alignleft" width="206"] 이미지 Billie Legg picking apples in Manson, Washington, 1924 - click image to see larger version[/caption] From the desk of Evan Robb Just as this year's Washington apple crop is shaping up to be the second most productive season on record, a new Washington Rural Heritage collection documents our state's… Read more

SecReed’s SE Wash. tour: Day 1

Image As part of his pledge to visit all 39 counties in Washington this year, Secretary of State Reed kicked off a four-day Eastern Washington tour Monday with a breakfast speech to the Spokane Sunrise… Read more

Girls, Girls, Girls, and more Girls

이미지 I grew up in the inner city in uptown New Orleans. The public library was the old style Carnegie type building. This is the place I went to meet girls. I did check out a book every once in a while but mostly I checked out the… Read more

Clippings for the week of August 31, 2012

[caption id="attachment_4996" align="alignright" width="227" caption="Image courtesy North Pend Oreille Heritage collection"] 이미지 [/caption] Washington State Library News Chuck Bauman, a 1979 South Kitsap graduate, aims to capture the school’s football history with a book. He began to compile the Wolves’ records because “you cannot really find anything on the high school.” Bauman… Read more

Archives treasure #2: 1928 Capitol fire photo


(Images courtesy of Washington State Archives)

Do you know how many Capitol Buildings we have had over the course of Washington’s history? Three: There was a two-story wood frame building completed during Washington’s territorial… Read more

Tacoma World Trade Center honors Reed


(Secretary of State Reed stands with former Secretary of State Munro (left) and WTC Tacoma President/CEO Anthony Hemstad after receiving a Lifetime Achievement Award.)

The… Read more

Archives treasure #1: 1862 Pig War letter


(Image courtesy of Washington State Archives)

The State Archives has no lack of interesting documents related to American wars. Thankfully, that means that… Read more

Secret Societies and Vigilantes in Dayton

이미지 From the desk of Steve Willis, Central Library Services Program Manager of the Washington State Library: If there is any doubt that Washington Territory was part of the Old West, the following information regarding vigilante groups in Columbia… Read more

WSL Updates for September 6, 2012

Volume 8, September 6, 2012 for the WSL Updates mailing list Topics include: 1) SMARTPHONE APP ADVISORY COMMITTEE CALL 2) WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT MERIT? 3) ARE YOU READY? 4) SMALL AND/OR RURAL? 5) LEAD THE CHANGE 6) FREE CE OPPORTUNITIES NEXT WEEK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) SMARTPHONE APP ADVISORY COMMITTEE CALL The WSL Library Development Program is exploring foundation funding for the… Read more

Summer Library Reading and Lunch in Sprague, WA

이미지 From the Desk of Carolyn Petersen, Assistant Program Manager, Library Development How many libraries would be willing to take on the challenge of providing an hour long summer reading program four days a week for 8 weeks-- and then top off that… Read more

Anytime Library Reaches Milestone

Recently the Washington Anytime Library celebrated the addition of its 30th member library to the group. The Grandview Library became library number 30, meaning that almost half the state's 62 public library entities are now members of the Washington Anytime Library!


The… Read more

Here's your WA 2012 Election-at-a-glance

Image Secretary of State Reed and the state Elections Division are producing scads of useful voter information, including a cool online Voters' Guide and, in partnership with… Read more

Protect your business! Don’t be easy prey for crafty sales tactics

Image The Secretary of State’s Corporations and Charities Division has recently received calls about a mysterious notice to file annual minutes for shareholders, directors, and officers. In fact,… Read more

Paul's Aunt

이미지 Years ago my nephew used to go to the library in Centralia "regularly". He was such a regular user in fact that I when I was the lead in the Circulation Dept. at the Washington State Library, I went to a meeting for Innovative… Read more

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

Image of Secretary of State Steve Hobbs

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