From Our Corner

WSL Updates for August 16, 2012

Volume 8, August 16, 2012 for the WSL Updates mailing list Topics include: 1) AWESOME TEEN BOOK CLUBS AT YOUR LIBRARY 2) EBOOK PILOT PROJECT EXPERIENCE COMPILED 3) DIGITAL HUMANITIES GRANT OPPORTUNITY 4) SURVIVE OR THRIVE VIDEO CONTEST 5) CHARLESTON CONFERENCE SCHOLARSHIP 6) FREE CE OPPORTUNITIES NEXT WEEK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) AWESOME TEEN BOOK CLUBS AT YOUR LIBRARY “AWESOME! Cultivating… Read more

From Your Corner of Washington: Moses Lake


Photograph courtesy of Brian Zylstra

Yesterday, staffer Brian Zylstra snapped this picture on his way through Moses Lake, east of Ellensburg. It depicts a smoke-filled sky at sunset due to dangerous wild fires nearby.

We invite… Read more

Reed wraps up prison library visits

Image After 12 years in office, Sam Reed has completed his mission of visiting all of the State Library's prison and hospital branches. The Washington State Library partners with the Department of… Read more

Secretary Reed on Kathi Goertzen's `life well-lived'

Image Secretary of State Sam Reed is paying tribute to Kathi Goertzen, the beloved longtime KOMO4 anchor who died Monday after a long and public struggle with brain tumors.

Reed's statement: “I join in the outpouring of respect and admiration for Kathi Goertzen,… Read more

Hooray for Digital Archives!

Image Congratulations to our Digital Archives for making Family Tree Magazine's “101 Best Websites of 2012.” Secretary of State Sam Reed said it's a great honor for the Digital Archives team. The Digital Archives,… Read more

Gardens in Unexpected Places

The first sight that greeted Diane Hutchins and me as we parked in the Hibulb Cultural Center lot on the Tulalip Indian reservation was a gorgeous garden. The individual responsible for the garden, Veronica Leahy, happened to be working on site. Before we entered the Cultural Center for our visit, we chatted with her. Veronica said that this is a collaborative program which has involved the WSU… Read more

Clippings for the week of August 3, 2012

[caption id="attachment_4996" align="alignright" width="227" caption="Image courtesy North Pend Oreille Heritage collection"] 이미지 [/caption] Washington State Library News We are very excited to announce that we will be able to continue our historic newspaper digitization project for an additional two years. The National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP) is a collaborative grant… Read more

Discover the Hibulb Cultural Center

Looking for a change of scene? Trying to find a place that the whole family can enjoy? Visit the Tulalip Tribes’ Hibulb [pronounced “Hee-Bolb”] Cultural Center & Natural History Preserve in Tulalip. 이미지 On Wednesday, August 9, my colleague, Carolyn Petersen, and I had the pleasure of meeting staff from the Hibulb Cultural Center & Natural History Preserve and being treated to a behind-the-scenes tour of their curation facility, which… Read more

From Your Corner: Olympia from above


(Photo courtesy of Patrick McDonald)

This aerial photo of Olympia taken during the early evening shows much of the city's waterfront (lower right), Capitol Lake (upper right) and the Capitol Dome (upper left). We… Read more

1914 bank robbery presentation tops online poll


(Image courtesy of Washington State Library)

The recent Primary Election and the London Olympics haven’t been the only contests that many of you have focused on. Another contest was the… Read more

How Digitizing is Changing my Life: Ashley Fejeran

From the desk of Rand Simmons Recently I blogged that we had received an extension on our National Endowment for the Humanities grant to allow us an extension of time to continue to digitize Washington historical newspapers. The project is the National Digital Newspaper Program of the Library of Congress (LoC). Washington State Library's… Read more

Anna Agnes Maley, First Woman to Run for Washington Governor, 1912

Image Random News from the Newspapers on Microfilm Collection: Anna Agnes Maley, First Woman to Run for Washington Governor, 1912

From the desk of Steve Willis, Central Library Services Program Manager of the Washington State Library:

The microfilm… Read more

Six minor-party tickets qualify for White House ballot in WA

Image Washingtonians will have no lack of variety this fall when it comes to their presidential choices. By state law, the Democrats' Obama-Biden ticket and the Republicans' Romney ticket will be given automatic ballot slots here after their conventions, and… Read more

From Your Corner: Spokane's name


(Photo courtesy of Washington Digital Archives)

Did you know that Spokane is the second largest city Washington? With a population of 210,000, Spokane is only below Seattle and just above Tacoma in… Read more

Spotlight on Staff: Bill Baas

이미지 On the 4th floor of the central library building you'll find a man sitting at a workstation in the southeast corner surrounded by numerous chicken figurines. You might hear him talking back to his computer in a colorful manner as he processes yet… Read more

Celebrate Book Lovers Day!

Today, August 9, is said to be Book Lovers Day. I can't find out much about the origins or history of this "holiday," but it's all over the web, so it must be true, right?! ☺ Also, I heard it on my local NPR station this morning. I thought I'd celebrate the occasion by posting this picture I took in the Ft. Vancouver High School Library Media Center a while back. The picture features one of my favorite book quotes, which happens to be from poet Emily Dickinson:

There is no frigate like… Read more

WSL Updates for August 9, 2012

Volume 8, August 9, 2012 for the WSL Updates mailing list Topics include: 1) BRANCH LIBRARIAN JOB OPPORTUNITY 2) ELECTION RESULTS ON THE GO 3) IS YOUR LIBRARY BUSINESS-FRIENDLY? 4) ONLINE COURSE – FUNDAMENTALS OF PRESERVATION 5) GREAT WEB SITES FOR KIDS 6) FREE CE OPPORTUNITIES NEXT WEEK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) BRANCH LIBRARIAN JOB OPPORTUNITY The Office of the Secretary of State, Washington… Read more

Don’t forget to vote in Primary!


(Pierce County elections workers process Primary Election ballots that were returned.)

After weeks of media stories, editorials and campaign ads and mailings, it’s finally here: P-Day, better known as… Read more

NEH Approves Grant Extension for WSL through 2014

이미지 From the desk of Shawn Schollmeyer We are very excited to announce that we will be able to continue our historic newspaper digitization project for an additional two years. The National Digital Newspaper Program (… Read more

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

Image of Secretary of State Steve Hobbs

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The Washington Office of the Secretary of State’s blog provides from-the-source information about important state news and public services.

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