From Our Corner
WA redistricting panel produces new district maps
Image Washington's citizen Redistricting Commission, under the gun to reach bipartisan agreement on new congressional and legislative district boundaries… Read moreMarijuana measure petitions roll in
ImageI-502 co-sponsor Salvador Mungia addresses the media while pro-502 campaign director Alison Holcomb (left) and Rep. Mary Lou Dickerson (middle) listen. I-502 opponents hold signs in the background.
Sponsors of… Read moreWSL Updates for December 29, 2011
Volume 7, December 29, 2011 for the WSL Updates mailing list Topics include: 1) DOES YOUR SCHOOL LIBRARY PROGRAM MAKE A DIFFERENCE? 2) AWARDS FOR INNOVATIVE PUBLIC RELATIONS 3) WANTED – ONE OUTSTANDING SCHOOL LIBRARIAN 4) PASS IT ON – NOW YOU CAN “LIKE” PRESERVATION 5) IS A DIGITAL MEDIA LAB IN YOUR FUTURE? 6) FREE CE OPPORTUNITIES NEXT WEEK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) DOES YOUR SCHOOL LIBRARY… Read more
New congressional boundaries unveiled
Image(Map courtesy of Washington State Redistricting Commission)
With the deadline to complete its work just days away, the Washington State Redistricting Commission appears set on a… Read moreNoble has left the building
What goes up, must come down. That applies to Christmas trees and holiday trees as well as old Blood, Sweat & Tears songs. After being perched up high in the Legislative Building’s Rotunda these past few weeks, the Holiday Tree is no more. Workers from the Department of… Read more
Proof that libraries are swinging places
[caption id="attachment_6623" align="alignnone" width="270" caption="Dancing through the stacks"] 이미지 [/caption] This prize winning tap dancing video was filmed at the Mill Creek branch of the Sno-Isle libraries. Enjoy!
Political parties ask court to order state-run PCO elections
Image Washington state Democrats and Republicans have gone to court to try to keep the state in the business of running election of party precinct committee officers. The case in Thurston County Superior Court is set for hearing at 9 a.m. on… Read moreClippings for the week of December 16, 2011
[caption id="attachment_4996" align="alignright" width="227" caption="Image courtesy North Pend Oreille Heritage collection"] 이미지 [/caption] Library News Joanna Bailey has been appointed director of Neill Public Library in Pullman by the library’s board of trustees. She has served as the library’s interim leader for the past two years. (Whitman County Gazette, [Colfax] 11.24.11)… Read more
WSL Updates for December 22, 2011
Volume 7, December 22, 2011 for the WSL Updates mailing list Topics include: 1) COFFEE, COLLABORATION, AND CODE4LIB 2012 2) FUNDING FOR INNOVATIVE SCHOOL LIBRARIES 3) IGNITE YOUR IDEAS 4) APPLY NOW FOR BOOKS FOR CHILDREN 5) THERE’S STILL TIME FOR A BIG READ 6) FREE CE OPPORTUNITIES NEXT WEEK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) COFFEE, COLLABORATION, AND CODE4LIB 2012 Seattle is home to brewpubs, local… Read more
Spotlight Charity: Summit Assistance Dogs
Image Photo courtesy of Summit Assistance Dogs
Opening a door. Turning on a light. Picking up a dropped dish towel. Most of us complete these daily activities without a second thought. But for those living with disabilities,… Read moreCelebrate the art of a Northwest School master
[caption id="attachment_6587" align="alignleft" width="343" caption="Richard Bennett. Untitled, ca. 1940s, tempera on paper. MOHAI, 2006.38.1"] 이미지 [/caption] The Art of Richard Bennett. By David F. Martin. Seattle, WA : Museum of History & Industry: University of Washington Press, ©2010. 80p.
… Read moreMarijuana Initiative 502 backers schedule signature turn-in
Image Sponsors of a marijuana initiative have made plans to bring in petitions on Dec. 29 at 10 a.m. at the state Elections Division office at 520 Union St. near the state Capitol in Olympia.… Read moreKindness does not stop at the fences of prison
[caption id="attachment_6560" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Joyce Hanna"] 이미지 [/caption] Joyce Hanna, Library Associate at Airway Heights Corrections Center, received a phone call from an inmate’s mother this week thanking her for helping her son. She… Read more
Clippings for the week of December 9, 2011
[caption id="attachment_4996" align="alignright" width="227" caption="Image courtesy North Pend Oreille Heritage collection"] 이미지 [/caption] Washington State Library News The “2012 Teen Video Challenge” is a national video competition now underway. Its goal is for more teens to get involved with reading and their public library’s summer reading program. The contest ends March 9,… Read more
Singing about Santa 50 years ago
Image Here’s another look back at holiday memories at the Capitol, thanks to our State Archives. This photo, from the Archives’ State Governors Negative Collection,… Read moreReed, McKenna team up to urge wise giving
Image Besides giving presents to family and friends during the holiday season, many show their generosity by giving money to charities. Unfortunately, there are some Grinch-like groups that aim to take advantage… Read moreWSL Updates for December 15, 2011
Volume 7, December 15, 2011 for the WSL Updates mailing list Topics include: 1) DO YOU HAVE STAR POTENTIAL? 2) THE WILD AND WOOLY WORLD OF EBOOKS 3) PRESERVING NATIVE AMERICAN LANGUAGES 4) GRANTS FOR HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATIONS 5) PRESERVATION INTERNSHIP AVAILABLE 6) FREE CE OPPORTUNITIES NEXT WEEK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) DO YOU HAVE STAR POTENTIAL? Libraries are being reshaped.… Read more