From Our Corner

Teacher of the Year (a Librarian) Fights Truthiness

이미지 Kudos go to Mark Ray, Teacher and Librarian/Media Specialist at Skyview High School in Vancouver, WA who was recently named Washington's Teacher of the Year. The award was announced by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, during a ceremony… Read more

Trick or treat! Oct. 31 is voter registration deadline

이미지 If you haven’t already read about it here or elsewhere, this is our last reminder: If you have never registered to vote in Washington and you want to vote in this fall’s General Election, you need to register in person at your county elections department by… Read more

WSL November Training News

November WSL Training News

Discover free and inexpensive trainings available online and around the state; compiled by Jennifer Fenton, CE/Training Coordinator, Washington State Library

Featured Free Trainings: Washington State Library is pleased to offer the following trainings in November: First Tuesdays: Getting Graphic: Graphic Novels in your Library (November 1)… Read more

Clippings for the week of October 21, 2011

[caption id="attachment_4996" align="alignright" width="227" caption="Image courtesy North Pend Oreille Heritage collection"] 이미지 [/caption] Library News The Richland Public Library now offers e-books that are compatible with the Amazon Kindle e-reader. Patrons can download popular and classic e-books to a Kindle device or any mobile device running the free Kindle application. (… Read more

Washington State Civil War Veterans signed up for a return to Gettysburg.

이미지 From the desk of Sean Lanksbury. PNW & Special Collections Librarian The Washington State Special Collections contains nearly 600 distinct manuscript collections. What unifies these collections is their focus on Pacific Northwest and Washington… Read more

When the viaduct was being built


(Photo courtesy of Washington State Archives)

As Blood, Sweat & Tears sang in its 1969 classic “Spinning Wheel,” what comes up must come down. That’s the case for the south mile of the Alaskan Way Viaduct along the… Read more

Gregoire proposes massive cuts for November session

이미지 Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire, responding to the state's continuing economic woes and a huge state budget deficit, is proposing a laundry list of deep spending cuts across all areas of state government. At a… Read more

WSL Updates for October 27, 2011

Volume 7, October 27, 2011 for the WSL Updates mailing list Topics include: 1) NEW FROM WASHINGTON READS – FREDY MONTERO POSTER 2) FIRST TUESDAYS – GRAPHIC NOVELS 3) FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR LIBRARY SUPPORT STAFF 4) TAKE NETWORKING TO A GLOBAL LEVEL 5) COME TO EGATHERING 2011 6) FREE CE OPPORTUNITIES NEXT WEEK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) NEW FROM WASHINGTON READS – FREDY MONTERO POSTER Fredy… Read more

WALE of a time in Spokane

Washington State Library (WSL) staff recently crossed the state to promote statewide library projects and services, and to network with peers. Conferences for both the Washington Library Media Association (WLMA) and the Washington Association of Library Employees (WALE) were held last week in Spokane. Here are some highlights from the events. Washington Rural Herit… Read more

Fairs and festivals: Fourth of July parade


(Photo courtesy of the Seattle Municipal Archives)

In alignment with Washington Archives Month's Fairs and Festivals theme, today's featured Archives Month photo is of the 1936 4th of July Parade in Seattle. Check out the Archives Month… Read more


이미지 As prison librarians we serve a population that does not have a lot of options for getting information. We can provide service with a smile and enthusiasm or with a negative attitude. Jeannie Remillard is the most positive person I have ever met. Even… Read more

Autumn in Olympia

The fall colors of the deciduous trees in Olympia have been slow to turn this year, giving us the opportunity to enjoy the changing colors of autumn for quite some time. Our Capitol Campus looks quite grand on this recent morning, as the unusually bright blue sky makes the fall colors particularly bold.… Read more

Fairs and festivals: cake-eating contest


(Photo courtesy of Museum of History & Industry)

We’re celebrating Washington Archives Month throughout October, and this year’s theme is Fairs and Festivals. In keeping with the theme, this photo shows people taking… Read more

Free Genealogy Presentation This Weekend in Sumner

이미지 Are you a genealogist or family historian? Would you like to find out more about the resources available at the Washington State Library and Washington State Archives for researching your Washington relatives? Then you’re in luck this weekend! Librarian Kim… Read more

R-71 petitions sealed as foes appeal

이미지 Protect Marriage Washington, which is appealing the Doe v. Reed ruling that upheld release of Referendum 71 petitions, has filed an emergency motion with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to halt further release of the petitions while the appeal proceeds. The State… Read more

How kind is this - it really touched my heart!

이미지 We just received an interlibrary loan book that we ordered from Ketchikan Campus library in Alaska...The book is titled “Buried treasure of the United State: how to locate hidden wealth”. Inside was a handwritten note that read: Dear SCCC Library - hello to you: it seems this is a favorite title of your patrons as we have loaned it to you numerous times. It is hardly ever checked out here, we are happy to weed it from our collection and… Read more

How we fared in military voting report: Hooah!

이미지 The Federal Election Assistance Commission has issued its report on military and overseas voting in the 2010 General Election. The report shows that Washington does an excellent job… Read more

Clippings for the week of October 14, 2011

[caption id="attachment_4996" align="alignright" width="227" caption="Image courtesy North Pend Oreille Heritage collection"] 이미지 [/caption] Washington State Library News The Longview Public Library is now able to offer eBooks for Amazon’s Kindle through the Washington Anytime Library. Funding for this service, powered by OverDrive, comes from a donation from the Longview… Read more

Volunteer Engagement Strategies for Libraries

[caption id="attachment_6183" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Carla presenting in Kennewick"] 이미지 [/caption] “This was one of the best workshops I have attended. It was relevant and had great information. The presenter was EXCELLENT!” “It was an… Read more

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

Image of Secretary of State Steve Hobbs

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