From Our Corner

Judge: Ruling on Doe v. Reed R-71 disclosure case in 2 weeks

이미지 U.S. District Judge Benjamin Settle says he will rule within two weeks on a request from gay-marriage foes that he permanently seal Referendum 71 petitions from public access. Settle didn't indicate how he will rule, but did say at one point from the bench Monday… Read more

Western State Hospital Museum Open-House

[caption id="attachment_6075" align="alignleft" width="180" caption="Frances Farmer Room"] 이미지 [/caption] At that first meeting in 2000, hospital staff, patients and citizens organized themselves into a group they called the… Read more

Small Hunch Pays Big Results!

이미지 Some months ago, two ILS staff decided to write to some publishers of mental health resources and ask them about the possibility of receiving donated materials. National Recovery Month is every September and their collections were sadly depleted from the demand… Read more

Clippings for the week of September 23, 2011

[caption id="attachment_4996" align="alignright" width="227" caption="Image courtesy North Pend Oreille Heritage collection"] 이미지 [/caption] Washington State Library News The six libraries in Lincoln County, Davenport, Reardan, Sprague, Harrington, Odessa, Wilbur, and the Ritzville library applied for and received a Collaborative Library Resource Sharing Grant of $5,000 from the… Read more

State Library, Archives websites among nation’s best

Image Family Tree Magazine released its list of “75 Best State Websites” for 2011 and our State Library and… Read more

See Reed’s Comcast Newsmakers interview

Image Our faithful blog followers recall a… Read more

WSL Updates for September 29, 2011

Volume 7, September 29, 2011 for the WSL Updates mailing list Topics include: 1) INPUT NEEDED ON EARLY LEARNING GUIDELINES 2) FIRST TUESDAYS – SUMMER READING FOR 2012 3) TAKE THE NATIONAL SURVEY OF INTERNET USE AND FUNDING 4) GRANTS – LAURA BUSH 21ST CENTURY LIBRARIAN PROGRAM 5) INFOCAMP SEATTLE 2011 6) FREE CE OPPORTUNITIES NEXT WEEK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) INPUT NEEDED ON EARLY LEARNING… Read more

From Your Corner: Quinault’s name


Photo courtesy of Roger Blain

If you drive up Highway 101 from Hoquiam to Kalaloch on the coast side of the Olympic Peninsula, you’ll eventually go past picturesque Lake Quinault, which is located between the… Read more

WA parties set caucus dates for 2012

Image The Washington GOP and Democratic caucus dates have been set for 2012. The Republican gatherings will be on Saturday, March 3, very early on the national nominating calendar. The Democrats, with no apparent challenge to… Read more

Clippings for the week of September 16, 2011

[caption id="attachment_4996" align="alignright" width="227" caption="Image courtesy North Pend Oreille Heritage collection"] 이미지 [/caption] Washington State Library News The Odessa Public Library and Odessa Historisches Museum recently completed work on a digital collection celebrating the history of Odessa and neighboring communities of southwest Lincoln County. The collection… Read more

Reed awarded top open-government honor

Image Secretary of State Sam Reed, who has made government transparency and access to public records a signature issue during his three terms, is the 2011 winner of the James Madison Award of the Washington Coalition for… Read more

New at Apostilles: e-Register and Certificate Authenticity Search

Image Our cutting-edge IT crew has come up with another cool service for Washington residents and others who want to use our Apostilles service. It’s an e-Register/Apostille look-up service. Check it out by going to the Apostilles page… Read more

Lights…camera…register to vote!


Traditionally, college students have had the lowest voter turnout figures of any voting age group. In the 2010 General Election, Washington’s 18-24 voting age group had only a 40.44 percent turnout, compared to the overall… Read more

Governor calls emergency budget session for Nov. 28

Image Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire has called the Legislature into emergency special session, beginning the Monday after Thanksgiving, to deal with a gaping $2 billion hole in the two-year state operating budget. The… Read more

WSL Updates for September 22, 2011

Volume 7, September 22, 2011 for the WSL Updates mailing list Topics include: 1) FREE WORKSHOP – BASICS OF ARCHIVES 2) SUSTAINING CULTURAL HERITAGE COLLECTIONS 3) NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK GRANT 4) FOCUS ON COLLECTIONS CARE WORKSHOP SERIES 5) CONNECTING DONORS TO PUBLIC SCHOOL LIBRARIES 6) FREE CE OPPORTUNITIES NEXT WEEK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) FREE WORKSHOP – BASICS OF ARCHIVES Do you… Read more

Walking to Lake Union

Image While he was in Seattle for meetings on Wednesday, Secretary Reed took time during the noon hour to walk with some staffers and volunteers at the Washington Talking Book & Braille Library. The group strolled to South Lake Union Park and back to the library.

Spotlight on Staff: Melisa Gilbert

Melisa Gilbert, in addition to managing the largest Institutional Library Service (ILS) branch, Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CCRC) in Connell, Washington, with the utmost professionalism, exhibits leadership among the program. Melisa volunteered to maintain and update the critically important Re-Entry Resources Notebooks used by all ILS branches. She is working to move everything from the ILS Public Folders in Outlook to a shared wiki for greater ease of updating and finding information… Read more

Western State Hospital Museum Open-House

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="250" caption="WSH Museum"][/caption] Ten years ago, I had a library visit from a hospital staffer who excitedly asked me to provide him information about the "dead people in the park." Although I've received some odd questions during my years in the library of a state psychiatric hospital, this request was something unusual even for me. I suppressed a grin and asked him to give me more details. He told me he had… Read more

Happy birthday to U.S. Constitution

Image Saturday marks the 224th anniversary of that historic day in 1787 when the United States Constitution was signed by 39 men in Philadelphia, although… Read more

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

Image of Secretary of State Steve Hobbs

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