Spotlight on Staff: Melisa Gilbert

Melisa Gilbert, in addition to managing the largest Institutional Library Service (ILS) branch, Coyote Ridge Corrections Center (CCRC) in Connell, Washington, with the utmost professionalism, exhibits leadership among the program. Melisa volunteered to maintain and update the critically important Re-Entry Resources Notebooks used by all ILS branches. She is working to move everything from the ILS Public Folders in Outlook to a shared wiki for greater ease of updating and finding information.

Melisa is professional, supportive, and thoughtful. She worked with Library Development's Carolyn Peterson to acquire materials for the first "CRCC Reads" event that will take place later this year. The Read is planned for next March and Melisa is exploring funding. The event will be in collaboration with WSU-Tri-Cities campus and will bring author Jamie Ford to both settings to discuss his book, Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, a book is set in 1940s Seattle that describes the evacuation of Japanese Americans to prisoner of war camps in Puyallup and Idaho. Melisa is also planning to bring Portland author Patrick DeWitt to read from his book Sisters Brothers in November.

Melisa has built an extremely positive relationship with Department of Corrections staff at CRCC, thus facilitating her ability to provide excellent customer service to the inmates. In addition to the all the extra work stated above, she planned and implemented legal services training workshops for the inmates in order to teach them how to use the LexisNexis database.

Melisa works in the one ILS branch that has two staff. She built a well functioning team at CRCC, at the same time as she mentored and trained her co-worker, Gayle Shonkwiler. According to Gayle, "Melisa is very intelligent and the best resource librarian ever. She is very helpful to all our patrons as well as very highly regarded. She's a great boss, too!"

She is a valuable part of the entire ILS team, as evidenced by her volunteering for many tasks for the good of the group. Laura Sherbo, Manager for Branch Libraries says, "You won't find a more 'can do attitude' than Melisa's.she doesn't go the second mile.she goes the third!" Thanks for your energy, dedication, and leadership, Melisa.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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