Civic Engagement Program (CEP)

The Civic Engagement Program (CEP) leads the Office of the Secretary of State’s effort to develop strategies and implement resources and programs to ensure that all Washingtonians have access to, interest in, and ability to engage in civic reasoning and discourse.

CEP has dedicated lines of effort that specialize in outreach to disenfranchised, underserved, and marginalized communities’ participation in civic life throughout Washington.

All Washingtonians have a right to civic engagement:

  • A right to learn about decision making-system and bodies.
  • A right to gather together and discuss/debate policy issues.
  • A right to participate in public community groups, working groups, legislative bodies, organizations, institutions, panels, or forums.
  • A right to organize and communicate with members of community groups, organizations, institutions, and elected officials and their staff.

By developing relationships, providing education, and encouraging engagement across the civic landscape, the Civic Engagement Program increases governmental trust and participation, thereby increasing engagement for all divisions within the Office of the Secretary of State.

The Washington Office of the Secretary of State recognizes the importance of fostering active civic engagement among all communities within the state, including Communities of Color. Effective civic engagement ensures that all voices are heard in the democratic process, leading to a more inclusive and representative governance.

The Communities of Color outreach program is dedicated to providing culturally competent civic education in partnership with community organizations, advocacy groups, cultural associations, and elected leaders at the county and municipal levels. Working together, the CEP program and partners looks to:

  • Increase voter registration and turnout among Communities of Color.
  • Provide accessible and culturally relevant civic education resources.
  • Forster partnerships with community organizations and leaders to amplify outreach efforts.
  • Promote diversity and inclusion in public offices and leadership roles.

Brittany Spencer leads the Communities of Color outreach effort. She has a decade of experience in education, nonprofit work, and public service, and is deeply committed to fostering connections between communities and government. Email Brittany at [email protected] or book time to meet with her.

The Rural Communities outreach program is dedicated to ensuring that all Washingtonians in rural areas can make their voices heard in Olympia and throughout the state.

Current initiatives for rural engagement and outreach include Civic Workshops, Civic Storytelling, and Civics Trivia Nights (yes, trivia nights). Currently, the CEP is working with the Libraries Division of the Office of the Secretary of State to create a “Library of Things” in backpacks that can be checked out from rural libraries. The backpacks will include items and materials to encourage civic literacy and creative participation in civic life.

Michael Bowman leads the Rural Communities Outreach effort. He has a doctorate in Social and Cultural Foundations of Education from the University of Washington and several years of academic experience, most recently as a professor at The Evergreen State College. Email Michael at [email protected] or book time to meet with him.

The Criminal Justice outreach program is dedicated to expanding civic education and engagement opportunities for incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals as well as those impacted by the legal system. In partnership with community organizations, advocacy groups, legal service providers, and correctional institutions, the Civic Engagement Program aims to:

  • Increase voter registration and turnout among justice-impacted individuals.
  • Provide accessible and relevant civic education resources inside jails and prisons.
  • Foster partnerships with reentry organizations, legal advocates, and community leaders to amplify outreach efforts.
  • Advocate for increased civic access for individuals impacted by the criminal legal system.

David Lund leads the Criminal Justice outreach effort. With lived experience in the justice system and a professional background in advocacy, direct service, and public policy, David is committed to ensuring all individuals — regardless of their past — have the opportunity to engage fully in civic life. Email David at [email protected] or book time to meet with him.

What is civic engagement?

Civic engagement is the act of using certain tools and resources to influence a decision-making process for the betterment of a community.  

Why is civic engagement important?

We believe that every person in Washington has a right to civic engagement. Our mission is to ensure that they have the maximum possible opportunities and knowledge to exercise that right.

I am a leader or member of a community-based organization or nonprofit. Can I get in touch with your program to discuss how you might support our efforts to get our members civically engaged?

Absolutely! Email us directly at [email protected].

What kind of stuff does the CEP do?

We’re glad you asked! In the last year, the CEP has accomplished quite a lot. Here’s a few of the highlights:

  • Civic Engagement Workshops – CEP held nine workshops related to civic values, civic storytelling, and civic participation at the local, state, and federal level in collaboration with Voter Information Services and with community organizations, libraries, and Department of Corrections Reentry Centers.
  • Criminal Justice Voter Outreach – more than 27,000 letters were sent to formerly incarcerated voters to inform them of their voting rights, which yielded nearly 1,000 new voters in the November 2024 general election.
  • Relationship Building and Community Engagement – in 2024, CEP built initial relationships with 76 community organizations, libraries, and state agencies and local governments and participated in community-led civic engagement events.
  • “Library of Things” Civic Backpack Program – in collaboration with Washington State Libraries, local libraries, and the Washington Youth Arts Leadership Program of ArtsWA, CEP is developing a “Library of Things” Civic Backpack Program. The backpacks will include objects, materials, and activities to encourage civic literacy and creative participation in civic life.