Recording Standards Commission
About the Commission
Recording Standards Commission (RCW 65.24.040)
Laws, Rules, and Guidelines
Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act (URPERA) (chapter 65.24 RCW)
Real Property Electronic Recording (chapter 434-661 WAC)
Washington State Electronic Recording Standards Implementation Guidelines (September 2014)
Commission Members
- Paul Andrews - Kitsap County Auditor
- Chris Benis - Washington State BAR Association
- Vicky Dalton - Spokane County Auditor
- Garth Fell - Snohomish County Auditor
- Heather Hirotaka - State Archivist
- Sean Holland - Washington Land Title Association
- Brenda Huntingford - Jefferson County Auditor
- Casey Kaul - Pierce County Recording & Licensing Manager
- JP Kissling - Washington Land Title Association
- Dee McComb - Escrow Association of Washington
- Marianne Nichols - Pend Oreille County Auditor
- Jon Scherer - King County Recording Manager
- John Smith - Washington Mortgage Bankers Association
Next Meeting - TBA
Note: Agenda and meeting packet will be available approximately 1-2 weeks before the meeting