
“We make it clear that this case is not about domestic partnerships, but about our longstanding elections policy that initiative and referendum petitions are public records. Without absolutely compelling evidence of harassment, we believe the courts will not overturn the policy of treating petitions as public record, a part of the electoral history of the state. It is a very high bar for anyone to have to prove.
“We know that political discussions get heated, otherwise they probably wouldn’t have risen to the level of a referendum and a campaign. Many issues, such as raising or lowering taxes, also get very heated.”Secretary of State Sam Reed and Attorney General Rob McKenna continue to advocate for release of the signatures under terms of the broad voter-approved Public Records Act. The referendum process is citizen legislating and Washington voters expect the process to be open and transparent, not secret, Reed said. He said millions of petition signatures have been turned in in recent years, without report of harassment or intimidation that would "chill" the process. The R-71 donors' identity has been posted on the Internet for two years, again without apparent controversy, he added. Every state with the initiative process, except for California, treats petitions as releasable public records, McKenna noted. R-71 petitions have not been released publicly, although a number of public records requests are pending. Reed's office does not routinely release petitions or post them on the website, but rather responds to specific requests under the Public Records Act. Postscript: Voters upheld the “everything but marriage” legislation by a 53-47 margin. Benefits to gay couples and senior opposite-sex domestic partners accrue to people on the Secretary of State’s registry. As of today, that’s 9,333 couples.