2008 Grant Cycle open

A new grant cycle is now open for Washington RuralHeritage.
The purpose of this grant cycle is to provide grant funds to small and rural, public libraries to encourage the development of long-term sustainable digitization programs.
Application deadline: Postmarked or received by August 8, 2008 Overall funding to support this grant cycle is $50,000. This grant cycle has a limit of $10,000 per application. It is anticipated that five (5) or more applicants may receive awards. Grant awardees will be required to submit at least two hundred (200) items to the Washington Rural Heritage collection at the State Library by the end of the grant cycle (August 14, 2009).
View eligibility guidelines, download application, and get other information.
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The funds were made available by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.
For more information, contact Laura Robinson, Project Manager - Washington Rural Heritage, 360.570.5568 or Jeff Martin, Grants Program, 360.704.5248.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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