Assessing, evaluating, and sustaining digital collections

So, now that you have a collection, what are some creative ways to evaluate, use, and grow your collections to better serve your customers/patrons/members?

Join us for the 2008 OCLC Western Digital Forum in Tacoma, WA, August 14-15.

It will be held at the Hotel Murano and will feature speakers from archives, libraries, and museums. Presentations will "highlight national projects of significance, 21st Century learners and model practices for digital program assessment." This is part of the third-phase of training for the Washington Rural Heritage project participants.

Washington Rural Heritage will pay for lodging and registration for one person from each library currently participating in the project. For more details sign on to the WRH wiki and visit the 'training' page or contact Laura Robinson, Washington Rural Heritage Project Manager.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

Image of Secretary of State Steve Hobbs

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