Clippings, April 17, 2009
The Goldendale Community Library (Fort Vancouver Regional Library District) installed its new public self-checkout station. The machine helps increase efficiency at the library, allowing staff to spend more time answering informational questions, helping people find books and solving problems. (Photo) (Sentinel [Goldendale], 3.19.2009)
People passing Sammamish City Hall on 228th Avenue Northeast will have noticed a sizable piece of construction happening opposite the skate park. That’s the new Sammamish branch of the King County Library, a 19,500 square foot building that should be ready for opening by February, 2010. (Photo) (Issaquah-Sammamish Reporter [Kent], 3.20.09)
Conceptual designs for the Ferndale library’s potential future in the former Boys & Girls Club building will be outlined by Bellingham’s Stewart + King Architects. The City Council approved the award of a $10,000 contract to the local firm to explore how the Pioneer Park building, which was damaged in 2007, might be remodeled under each of three possible conversion options. (Westside Record-Journal [Ferndale], 3.18.2009)
Letters & Editorials:
I am writing in response to last week’s letter suggesting that the “rich” people donating the cost of the proposed library extension should also pay for its maintenance and operation. What a strange idea. The proposed 10 percent tax increase, not 33 percent, would cost a taxpayer, with property valued at $500,000, $10 more PER YEAR, which is 85 cents per month – to add useful space to our PUBLIC library (Orcas Island). (The Island Sounder [Eastsound], 3.11.2009)
Thank you for printing the “Then and Now” pictures of the Bellingham library in the March 15 editorial of the Bellingham Herald. Hundreds of thousands of words have been spoken about the need for a new facility, but these pictures demonstrate more graphically than all of them together how the library’s original welcoming spaciousness has, of necessity, given way to a confusing jumble of competing functions messily crowded into an increasingly inadequate space. (Bellingham Herald [Bellingham], 3.24.09)
There is something terrifying going on in the LARGE PRINT section of the Vashon library. I tell you what, no matter where our library ends up, it’s still a very scary place. (Vashon-Maury Island Beachcomber [Vashon], 3.25.09)
The Pierce County Library System is in the midst of a project to imagine what libraries will be like and how they can serve their communities in 20 years’ time. (The News Tribune [Tacoma], 4.13.09)
The Ferndale library (Whatcom County) is a very busy, active community heart. In January use was up by 17 percent from the same month in 2008, and in February 2009 another 12.9 percent jump. Ferndale’s increase is the highest of all branches in Whatcom County. The library is bursting and we’re very proud of that. However, we are at a point where parking and safety must be addressed. (Westside Record-Journal [Ferndale], 3.18.09)
Jerry McCollum of Palouse was named Library Supporter of the Month during the February meeting of the Friends of the Whitman County Library.. (Boomerang [Palouse], 3.19.09)
Pat Thompson will be retiring from her position as Library Director for the Chewelah Public Library. (Photo) (The Independent [Chewelah], 3.19.09)
Danielle Parker, former Republic librarian and Ferry County resident, has won the 2009 EPPIE Award for her first novel, “The Infinite Instant.”(The Omak-Okanogan County Chronicle [Omak], 3.18.09)
When Omak librarian Sharon Reddick applied for help from Home Depot’s grant program, she said she didn’t expect a quick reply on her request to help with library improvements. Two weeks after her application was sent in, Reddick received a call from Omak Home Depot manager Dan Swory telling her that the application was approved and the library would be getting volunteer help and a Home Depot gift card for labor and supplies. Home Depot sent an $8,000 gift card for the library to install new carpet, repair laminate on shelf standards and freshen up the front desk with a new counter. (Photo) (The Omak-Okanogan County Chronicle, [Omak], 3.18.2009)
[This summary of library news was created by Bobbie DeMiero and Leanna Hammond of the Washington State Library Division of the Office of the Secretary of State. It represents a newspaper clippings packet from all Washington newspapers received on the date shown. For more information about any of these stories, contact Bobbie DeMiero at 360.570.5577 or [email protected]. ]