WA State Library News
Northwest Open Access Network (NoaNet) announced Wednesday it has received the necessary funds to extend high-speed broadband service to nearly every area of the state. "The NoaNet application will bring enhanced broadband connectivity to 45 public library buildings and two tribal libraries," said Washington State Librarian Jan Walsh. (Tacoma Daily Index, 8.23.10) http://www.tacomadailyindex.com/portals-code/searchd.cgi
Library News
The Second Story Gallery at Camas Public Library is announcing its annual "Search for Artists" for the year 2011. The library is looking for local artists working in a variety of art mediums for a month-long exhibit. If you are interested please complete an application on the Camas Public Library's website. (The Skamania County Pioneer [Stevenson], 8.18.10)
It's a Wednesday afternoon and the 12 public use Internet computers at the Newport Library, a part of the Pend Oreille County Library District, are all in use, and there's a sign up list with names of several people waiting for their turn. In addition to playing online games, people look up their bank accounts, shop, watch YouTube and check e-mail. (Photo) (Newport Miner, 8.18.10)
Larry Bolan is proceeding full steam ahead with a lawsuit. The legal challenge questions the partnership the city of Grandview has forged with Yakima Valley Community College. The agreement between the two entities will result in the closure of the existing city library and the opening of a new, shared library on the Grandview campus of YVCC. (Daily News [Sunnyside], 8.19.10)
Go figure: The Fort Vancouver Regional Library District's property tax levy measure is a real page-turner. Driven by a narrow "no" vote margin in Clark County, offset by strong support in Skamania and Klickitat counties, the proposed levy hike trailed by 270 votes out of 65,552 counted on Tuesday - a margin of 50.2 percent to 49.8 percent. (Columbian [Vancouver], 8.18.10) http://www.columbian.com/news/2010/aug/17/library-levy-trailing-but-margin-razor-thin/
As of election night, the future of the Ocean Shores library still hung in the balance. With thousands of votes still left to count county wide, the results are too close to call. Only four votes separate those for and against the property tax measure to fund the library - 756 to 760, or 49.9 percent for, versus 50.1 percent against. (Daily World [Aberdeen], 8.18.10)
Voters chose to raise the levy lid lift for the North Olympic Library System. For the next 10 years, Clallam County residents will pay 50 cents per $1,000 of assessed property valuation to pay for increased hours, books and materials, programs, maintenance, computer upgrades and more. This is the first time the library approached voters and passed a levy since 1978. (The Sequim Gazette, 8.18.10) http://www.sequimgazette.com/news/article.exm/2010-08-18_library_levy_passing
Directors of the Kitsap Regional Library say they feel cautious but prepared in bringing a levy increase to county voters on November 2 that will raise $36.5 million over 10 years for library expansion, operations and maintenance. Voters spurned a levy request three years ago and library directors considered another attempt last year before deciding it wasn't ready. (North Kitsap County Herald [Poulsbo], 8.20.10) http://www.pnwlocalnews.com/kitsap/bir/news/100655534.html
The measure to annex the city of Port Orchard into the Kitsap Regional Library system scored a lopsided win in Tuesday night's primary election. As of Wednesday afternoon, 71 percent of those expressing a preference believed the city should join the library district compared to 28 who said no. (Independent [Port Orchard], 8.20.10) http://www.pnwlocalnews.com/kitsap/poi/news/100953759.html
Talk about a late plot twist. Thursday ballot county updates from Clark, Skamania and Klickitat counties and the Woodland area have pushed the Fort Vancouver Regional Library District property tax levy measure to the brink of passing, after all. Combined, the new total count is 43,276 votes for, 42, 830 against, or 50.26 percent for and 49.74 percent against. (Columbian [Vancouver], 8.20.10) http://www.columbian.com/news/2010/aug/19/library-tax-measure-now-leads/
Book it: Passage of the Fort Vancouver Regional Library District's property tax levy measure is all but sealed. After another 801 ballots in Clark County were counted on Friday, the measure still leads with 50.3 percent to 49.7 percent across its four-county territory. With only an estimated 700 ballots left to be counted in Clark County, it would take nearly a 6-to-1 ratio of "no" votes to flip the result: Highly improbable. (Columbian [Vancouver], 8.21.10) http://www.columbian.com/news/2010/aug/21/outlying-voters-tip-it-for-library/
After a second round of vote counts, the outcome of the Ocean Shores Library levy measure is still too close to call. With only 50 more votes to count countywide on Friday, only seven votes separate those for and against the measure - 1,047 to 1,040, or 50.1 percent for to 49.8 percent against. (Daily World [Aberdeen], 8.22.10)
Based on the election night results, Spokane County Library District (SCLD) will be able to maintain its current level of operations and maintenance for the next three years. The tally as of August 19 showed 55 percent approval (30,014-24,559) for the levy lift request. A simple majority is required for passage of the levy request. (Deer Park Tribune, 8.25.10)
A 100-strong crowd poured into the newly remodeled Whitman County Library last Wednesday, August 11 for the official ribbon-cutting ceremony.now open after nine months of remodeling. Along with a new elevator and improved handicap access, the interior of the library now features a sprawling rainforest tree for the children's corner. (Photos) (Whitman County Gazette [Colfax], 8.19.10)
Letters & Editorials
The August 17 primary ballot includes a request by the Spokane County Library District to restore the maintenance and operations levy to 50 cents per $1,000 of assessed property value. In other words, a 'yes' vote would simply mean bringing back a tax level that residents have already approved. (Valley News Herald [Spokane], 8.13.10)
Given the maddening complexity of the issue before Port Orchard residents, it wouldn't have been surprising if the vote on Tuesday to annex into the Kitsap Regional Library district had been a little less lopsided. Based on Tuesday night's margin of victory, it's clear to Port Orchard voters are anxious to express their wishes to the library district. (Independent [Port Orchard], 8.20.10) http://www.pnwlocalnews.com/kitsap/poi/opinion/101112249.html
Some people are confused and frightened into thinking the Yelm library will disappear because the lease is up next year. That is just not true. There are serious people working to keep the library open while searching for a permanent location. (Nisqually Valley News [Yelm], 8.20.10)
The Yelm library is a jewel in this community. It is modern, comfortable, light and inviting. The librarians are incredibly knowledgeable and helpful. The programs for young people and teens are terrific. Please, city leaders, show us that you have not flushed our great library down the toilet. (Nisqually Valley News [Yelm], 8.20.10)
In 2010, the city of Langley paid $44,000 to the Sno-Isle Library District, since Langley residents don't pay a property tax for the library system. But with Sno-Isle raising the fee for this service, the city will be asking its citizens to approve a direct property tax for Sno-Isle on the November 2010 ballot, thereby eliminating any payment by Langley. (South Whidbey Record [Langley], 8.21.10)
On the surface, this levy thing should have been a piece of cake. After all everybody loves libraries. The Columbian knew all of this, of course, but after some vibrant discussion decided to editorialize against passage of the levy. In the end, this community is not about fancy governmental buildings or even a library being open seven days a week. It's about the working stiff, the taxpayer, who can barely afford to make ends meet. (Columbian [Vancouver], 8.21.10) http://www.columbian.com/news/2010/aug/21/brancaccio-press-talk-latte-defense-exposed/
Regarding the August 11 letter, "Quit complaining, go to the library": How dare the writer tell me what I "have or should have"! It is not her business, to begin with. And using the library's computer is impossible for me, as I cannot get close enough to the screen to read it. New glasses? Is she going to pay for them? (The Herald [Everett], 8.23.10) http://www.heraldnet.com/article/20100823/OPINION02/708239987
This year's Library Fair was once again a huge success. The Friends of the Orcas Island Library raised $15,000, thanks to many volunteers who are too many to list. Thank you to all who helped and participated in this year's event. (The Island Sounder [Eastsound], 8.25.10) http://www.pnwlocalnews.com/sanjuans/isj/opinion/letters/101329099.html
Our library is about to shrink down considerably, as Mayor Harding has publicly stated. His comment that the library should be of a size to only serve City of Yelm residents ignores the fact that property tax payers outside of Yelm contribute a large percentage to fund Yelm's library. (Nisqually Valley News [Yelm], 8.27.10)
Some serious people stepped up in a significant way long ago and asked about the future of a public library building. Cindy Teixeira's letter last week unintelligently attacked those who stepped forward. Teixeira, there are ways to be productive in our city other than gossip and attacks on donors who also support the livelihood of the Yelm Library. We all want a library here. (Nisqually Valley News [Yelm], 8.27.10)
Terry Beck, adult and teen services manager at the Marysville Library, and Anita Johansen, training, education and career coordinator at the Everett Public Library, were among 19 librarians selected for a fellowship program aimed at older patrons. The program, called Transforming Life After 50, is funded by the U.S. Institute for Museum and Library Services. (The Herald [Everett], 8.19.10) http://www.heraldnet.com/article/20100819/NEWS01/708199905
Janet Enzmann, one of Coupeville's valued volunteers, passed away Monday, August 16. She was 84. Among other groups, Enzmann was chairman of Friends of Coupeville Library, archivist and librarian with the Island County Museum and volunteer with the Coupeville's Lion's Club. A former librarian who moved to Coupeville from Seattle, Enzmann gravitated to the Coupeville Library, a part of Sno-Isle Libraries, right away. (Photo) (Whidbey News-Times [Oak Harbor], 8.21.10) http://www.pnwlocalnews.com/whidbey/wnt/news/101193944.html
The California initiative Transforming Life After 50 Fellowship has expanded into Washington and one of the 19 people to be named fellows is Jeffery Kempe, an adult services coordinator for the King County Library System in Issaquah. The initiative is a fellowship designed to help libraries better serve and engage adults 50 and older. (Photo) (Issaquah Press, 8.25.10) http://www.issaquahpress.com/2010/08/24/jeffrey-kempe-is-named-fellow-for-transforming-life-after-50/
Programs and Displays
John Waugh is giving Lopezians the chance to play chess at the Lopez Library. On Wednesday at 7 p.m., there will be an opportunity to come, play chess, or learn about the game. You don't have to be good to come along. (Island's Weekly Newspaper [Lopez Island], 8.17.10) http://www.pnwlocalnews.com/sanjuans/isw/entertainment/100660874.html
Artist Terry Nelson is coming to the Goldendale Library, a part of the Fort Vancouver regional Library, on Friday and Saturday, August 27 and 28 to present a two-part workshop on comic character design. In the workshop, participants will learn to design a character and create illusions that can be the basis for comics or graphic novel art. The workshop is open to teens and adults. (Sentinel [Goldendale], 8.18.10)
Fans of feathers will enjoy the latest display at the Arlington Library, a part of Sno-Isle Libraries. A collection of paintings featuring feathers are now on display at the library. The art work was done by members of the Arlington Arts Council. The display will be available for library patrons through September 30. (Photo) (Arlington Times [Marysville], 8.18.10) http://www.pnwlocalnews.com/north_sound/arl/lifestyle/100273344.html
The League of Women Voters of Kitsap will partner with Kitsap Regional Library for a presentation celebrating women's right to vote at 6:30 p.m. August 24 at the Poulsbo Library. Actress and historian Tames Alan will present "Soldiers in Petticoats: The Struggle of the Suffragettes." (Photo) (North Kitsap County Herald [Poulsbo], 8.20.10)
One of the stars of last week's Kids' Pet Show at the Ocean Shores Library was Emerson, a 3-month-old Hedgehog, who belongs to Ashley Kretsch (17) and Rebekah Midbrod (5). Each of the 17 kids who participated received a new book. This was the 36th year the kid's pet show has been held at the library. (Photo) (The North Coast News [Ocean Shores], 8.25.10)
Diana Rios, daughter of Laura and Jose Rios, is one of two Prosser students who were published in the most recent edition of MinaZine. Minazine is a Mid-Columbia Libraries student art and literary publication. It includes art and stories written by young people in the area. Anyone interested in submitting pictures or written stories for the MinaZine should contact their local Mid-Columbia Library. (Photo) (Record-Bulletin [Prosser], 8.25.10)
Escape from the world of noise and hurry, kick back and listen to the music of singer, songwriter and guitarist Tony Kevin Jr., "a simple bard," according to his MySpace page. The final show for this year in Shelton Timberland Library's August concert series, the performance will be held in the library's outdoor amphitheater on Tuesday, August 31. (Photo) (Shelton-Mason County Journal, 8.26.10)
Hard Times/Economy
Seattle's libraries will close for a week beginning late this month, leaving patrons without many normal services while the city continues to ponder how the system will operate on less money next year. It will be the second budget-driven closure in a year. The system will close August 30 through September 6, including Labor Day, with regular operations to resume September 7. (Seattle Post-Intelligencer Online, 8.22.10) http://www.seattlepi.com/local/425434_libraries23.html
[This summary of library news was created by Bobbie DeMiero and Leanna Hammond of the Washington State Library Division of the Office of the Secretary of State. It represents a selection of newspaper clippings about Washington libraries from all Washington newspapers received in the packets on the dates shown. For more information about any of these stories, contact Carolyn Petersen at 360.570.5560 or [email protected] ]