Clippings, September 10, 2010

Library News Two Ritzville Public Library board members and the library's director have volunteered to serve on a subcommittee that will begin a fact-finding endeavor with the Ritzville Public Development Authority (RPDA) in determining if the Ritzville Business Center would be suitable as a site for some library functions. (Ritzville-Adams County Journal, 9.2.10) This summer families in Stevens County can pick up themed book bags designed for children 2-5 years old. The book bags can be requested and checked out for free just by showing a library card. Each book bag contains books, poems, songs and activities that relate to one of ten themes. (The Independent [Chewelah], 9.2.10) Eatonville Library will be part of a statewide, $138.8 million project aimed at expanding high-speed broadband service into rural areas. Northwest Open Access Network (NoaNet), created by public utility districts that have linked their fiber optic networks, has received federal funding to launch the project. Washington State Librarian Jan Walsh led the participation of the state library, a division of the Secretary of State's Office, and public libraries in the NoaNet application. (South Pierce County Dispatch [Eatonville], 9.8.10) Elections Castle Rock Librarian Vicki Selander is breathing a hearty sigh of relief now that it appears that voters have approved the annual library levy. The latest election count released Friday showed the library vote hadn't changed since Monday, when a 62 percent approval put it above the required 60 percent supermajority. (The Daily News Online [Longview], 8.27.10) This vote on the Ocean Shores measure for the Library is a real nail-biter, no doubt. Though it looks like the .22 cent lid lift/levy will pass, even in the final hours, a turn-around is possible. After last week's county, there were four more "Approve" votes than "Reject." But that isn't final. (The North Coast News [Ocean Shores], 9.1.10) A levy measure asking Ocean Shores voters for an increase in property taxes to pay for library operations has passed by just three votes. The final count by the Auditor's office Thursday afternoon was 1,069 to 1,066, a 50 percent to 49.9 percent majority for passage. (Daily World [Aberdeen], 9.1.10) One thing was for sure after the levy vote: there were smiles on the Goldendale librarian's faces, and it wasn't just because of the increased funding. Klickitat County voters showed they valued the library's work and saw the value in what they did. Starting in 2011, the library will be open on Monday's again, giving current staff extra hours. They will also be hiring additional staff and ordering new books. (Sentinel [Goldendale], 9.1.10) Buildings Library officials recently conducted a press tour of the new Vancouver Community Library now under construction. The library, scheduled to open in summer 2011, will house nearly two miles of books and other materials (as measured by linear shelf space) in the 83,000 square foot facility (more than twice as big as the 36,000 square foot current library.) (Photos) (Senior Messenger [Vancouver], 9.2010) To mark the grand opening of the new Lake Hills Library, a ribbon-cutting celebration and open house will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, September 11. The new library is located in the redeveloped Lake Hills Shopping Center. After the ribbon-cutting ceremony, the public is invited inside to tour the new library and enjoy refreshments and a musical program. (Bellevue Reporter [Kent], 9.3.10) Call for comments on the Bellevue Regional Library parking expansion. To include construction of a three-level parking garage, one level below grade and to replace the surface parking lot, with a connection via a tunnel to the under-building parking of the library. Comments are due by September 30th. (Daily Journal of Commerce [Seattle], 9.6.10) Efforts to raise money for a new public library in Ferndale have received a boost, thanks to a $25,000 donation and the Whatcom Community Foundation's agreement to match all donations dollar for dollar through December 1. Sam Boulos, Ferndale resident and owner of Keith Oil Co., made the $25,000 donation. (Bellingham Herald, 9.15.10) Letters & Editorials The Fiske Library has a collection that supports family-history research in New England, the Mid-Atlantic States, Southern states, Mississippi Valley, upper Midwest and old Oregon country. It also covers eastern Canada and Western Europe. Over and above that, there's an on-line catalog and the Fiske card file. To think that the library has been practically next door to me all this time, and I'm just now finding it. (Photo) (Madison Park Times [Seattle], 9.2010) I'm not sure why this factor hasn't been featured more prominently in public discussions, but, speaking for myself, I voted to reject the recent library levy because Fort Vancouver Regional Library policies aren't even accessing conventional sources of library revenue. To use only one of several examples, the library charges no fines for overdue materials, which is highly unusual. (Columbian [Vancouver], 9.2.10) The Tracyton Community Library would like to thank Eileen Wilson and the Ladies Auxiliary to Post 239 Veterans of Foreign Wars for providing such a wonderful ice cream party to the graduates of our summer reading program. It's donations like yours that enable us to keep providing that kind of opportunity for the children that use our library. (Bremerton Patriot, 9.3.10) In light of the recent conundrum over accessibility of information about our public volunteer boards, this seems like a good time to point out that the Vashon Library makes an effort to provide paper copies of the minutes of many of these meetings, including Vashon School District, Vashon Park District and Vashon-Maury Island Community Council boards, plus many of the VMICC committees. (The Vashon-Maury Island Beachcomber, 9.8.10) With technology and globalization changing the world in which we live, work and play, the mission of the Kitsap Regional Library - to serve the community as a center for lifelong learning and a steward of access to stories, information and knowledge - is more relevant than ever. We hope you will support the Kitsap Regional Library levy proposal. (Independent [Port Orchard], 9.3.10) Now that the City of Port Orchard is part of the Kitsap County Rural Library District, the city council needs to give South Kitsap voters reason to believe that approving a library district lid lift will likely result in a new library in the city. They also need to know if the city can succeed in raising the money to pay more than half the cost of building a new library in Port Orchard. (Independent [Port Orchard], 9.3.10) Mercy, truthfully, is in order for our librarians. We put a heavy burden on them as we assume they are responsible for keeping the young from pornography on the Internet, yet do not give them the authority to monitor the children. So let us go the other way with our librarians. Instead of attacking them, let us defend first and ask questions later. (The Chronicle [Centralia], 9.4.10) I live in a block of real estate that is not in the city (although we are surrounded by it). As a county resident, I must object to the withdrawal of the Rural Library's support for the Walla Walla Public Library. It is the most cost-effective way of getting a lot of services for the money! Please rethink this decision. (Walla Walla Union Bulletin, 9.5.10) People After the director of the Pend Oreille County Library District resigned, the board of trustees decided to split the job into two sets of responsibilities. The administrative side was filled internally by Colleen Auble. The other side of the duties falls more with the traditional librarian job description. The board is waiting to see how the budget pans out, and likely this fall an operations manager will be hired. (Newport Miner, 9.1.10) Broken ribs will sideline the caretaker of Davenport's public library for a while, library board chair Vicki Shepherd told the city council last week. Librarian Barbara A. Belala, 73, of Davenport, was injured in a car accident on August 23. She was taken by Rosalia ambulance to a Spokane hospital for a precautionary checkup. (Davenport Times, 9.2.10) The Yelm Timberland Library is seeing a change of hands this week as manager Mike Wessells was transferred to the Lacey library. The transfer was part of several things happening within Timberland, Wessells said. The manager from Lacey was transferred to Centralia and Wessells was moved to Lacey. The manager position in Yelm is currently being filled by longtime employee Mike McGowan. (Photo) (Nisqually Valley News [Yelm], 9.3.10) Awards New bikes and helmets have been given away to raffle-winning youths in the summer reading programs at the Lynden and Everson public libraries, part of the Whatcom County Library System. The Masonic Lodges of the area are involved as sponsors through their Books for Bikes program. (Lynden Tribune, 9.8.10) Programs and Displays The R.E.A.D. (Reading Education Assistance Dogs) program has now finished its fourth summer at the Lopez Library of helping young people to better their reading. Each child schedules a 15 minute session at the library with a dog and its handler. The fact that the child feels that the dog is the primary audience takes the pressure of perfection off the child and allows for reading progress to be made un-hampered by self-consciousness. (Photo) (Island's Weekly Newspaper [Lopez Island], 8.31.10) Snohomish County Public Utility District and Sno-Isle Libraries continue their partnership to offer free electricity watt meters for checkout at area libraries through late fall. The devices can help library patrons assess where they're wasting energy. The meters will be available at the Marysville Library in September, Stanwood in October and Mukilteo in November. (Snohomish County Business Journal [Everett], 9.2010) Raymond Timberland Library presents computer classes by appointment, for adults and teens. Call the library to set up a one-hour lesson in basic computer use, the Internet, Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher, library catalog or library databases. Classes are free of charge. (Chinook Observer [Long Beach], 9.1.10) The Orcas Island Public Library will be offering classes for islanders this coming fall. In September, both "Compassionate Communication" and "My Back Pages, Getting Started in Genealogy and Family History" will take place. In October, "Over-wintering and Backyard Birds" and the play "Antony and Cleopatra" will be offered. (The Island Sounder [Eastsound], 9.1.10) To most adults, years of everyday, fluent reading can obscure those early struggles with words. The San Juan Island Library, however, has not forgotten. The library's Island Tail Tutor program accommodates young and shy readers, encouraging confidence by allowing children to read to dogs. The program was formed as a partnership between the library and the Friday Harbor Animal Shelter. (Photo) (The Journal of the San Juan Islands [Friday Harbor], 9.1.10) For the last two summers here at The Chronicle we have joined with a number of businesses, the North Central Regional Library District and others to encourage children to read. This summer, British Columbia children's author and artist Sol Enticia Alhstraum also joined us to bring young readers "Elkhorn," a serial story that takes place in the Okanogan. (The Omak-Okanagon County Chronicle, 9.1.10) The Ritzville Public Library has modified its Food for Fines program after the state auditor noted."Although many libraries have Food for Fines programs, a strict interpretation of the RCW does not allow it. If we restrict it to a month, it will be acceptable." The staff suggested running the program for two weeks in January and July when food bank donations are low. The board agreed by consensus. (Ritzville-Adams County Journal, 9.2.10) ESL Talk Time resumes at the Mountlake Terrace Library, a part of Sno-Isle Libraries, on Tuesday, September 7, and continues on Tuesdays and Fridays at 10 a.m. Talk Time is an opportunity for adults who are learning English to practice speaking English with each other in a casual environment. A trained ESL (English as a Second Language) instructor is on hand to give input and keep the conversation going. (The Edmonds Beacon, 9.2.10) Economy/Hard Times As of this week, Liberty Lake Municipal Library patrons who live outside the city will need to pay when getting a new library card and all patrons will be charged for inter-library loan requests. The new changes are part of the library's efforts to cut back in tough economic times - yet continue to meet the community's growing needs, library staff said. The irony of the library's budget challenge is that when the economy falters, library usage typically rises. (Photo) (Liberty Lake Splash, 9.2.10) For the second consecutive biennial budget year, the Walla Wall Public Library is looking at a shortfall that threatens a reduction in hours. And just like in 2008, when the last biennial budget was worked out, that revenue shortfall centers on the city's reimbursement contract with the Walla Walla County Rural Library District. The Rural Library District is trying to negotiate a reduction in the amount it pays the city to provide library cards to residents who live in the unincorporated areas immediately surrounding the city. (Walla Walla Union Bulletin, 9.5.10) [This summary of library news was created by Bobbie DeMiero and Leanna Hammond of the Washington State Library Division of the Office of the Secretary of State. It represents a selection of newspaper clippings about Washington libraries from all Washington newspapers received in the packets on the dates shown. For more information about any of these stories, contact Carolyn Petersen at 360.570.5560 or [email protected] ]

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