Clippings, September 30, 2008
The four public libraries in Clallam County on Friday will abandon a number of its rules to increase convenience. The changes will be made at all branches in the North Olympic Library System, which includes the Port Angeles Library, Sequim Library, Forks Library, and the Clallam Bay Library, Also on Friday, the libraries will begin a program that permits overdue books to be returned only with a donated item for United Way agencies. (Peninsula Daily News [Port Angeles], 9-11-08)
Coupeville lost a popular furry denizen last week as Regal the Cat passed on to Kitty Heaven. Regal, who began her life as a street cat in Italy, relied on her feline charms to endear herself to all she met. She was best known as “the library cat.” Sunning herself on the bench or soliciting a little love from her favorite perch on the night-drop box, she made many friends at the Coupeville Library. (with photo) (The Whidbey Examiner [Coupeville], 9-12-08)
A policy banning Kennewick High School students from the Keewaydin Library during school hours has been jettisoned because it violated state law. Mid-Columbia Library administrators scrapped the month-old policy after learning last week that state law guarantees the public access to public institutions, said Sandra LePage, board president. That includes even students who are truant or just looking for a place to hang out. (Tri-City Herald [Kennewick], 9-17-08)
The City of Maple Valley is recruiting applicants for appointment to serve on the City’s Library Advisory Board. The appointed members will serve for a three-year period January, 2009 through December, 2011. The Library Advisory Board serves in an advisory capacity to the City Council and coordinates with the Board of Trustees of the King County Library System. (Voice of the Valley [Maple Valley], 9-16-08)
The Raymond City Council met oN Tuesday September 2, 2008. Raymond Timberland Regional Library Librarian Emily Popovich asked the council to approve M & M Gutters’ bid in the amount of $1,800 to replace and dispose of the library gutters. Upon a motion and a second, the council unanimously approved the request. (Pacific County Press [South Bend], 9-11-08)
After a $130,000 facelift and an 18-day closure, the Edmonds Library, part of the Sno-Isle Libraries System, reopened on Sept, 8 re-carpeted and reorganized. There is a new lounge with views of the Olympic Mountains, a newly defined teen space and a new, permanent place for the Friends of the Edmonds Library’s ongoing book sale. (The Herald [Everett], 9-13-08)
The Sammamish Library, part of the King County Library System, is accepting bids for a new two-story structure with a parking garage and an upper-level library. (Daily Journal of Commerce [Seattle], 9-24-08)
The Kirkland Library, part of the King County Library System, is accepting bids to construct a 4.500 square foot addition to the 15,300 square foot library. (Daily Journal of Commerce [Seattle], 9-24-08)
The Northeast Branch of the Seattle Public Library is accepting bids for construction of a concrete retaining wall in the existing Northeast Branch parking lot, plus associated site work. (Daily Journal of Commerce [Seattle], 9-24-08)
The Sequim Library, part of the North Olympic Library System, is accepting bids for an interior renovation including new furniture and shelving. (Daily Journal of Commerce [Seattle], 9-25-08)
Letters and Editorials:
An editorial about the many different homework help options available at the Longview Public Library. “These range from books and magazines to access to computers and after-school homework help on Wednesday afternoons.” (Daily News [Longview], 9-14-08)
A letter to the editor stating that taxpayers should not be paying for extra’s, only books and visual material for the library. “A library’s only purpose should ideally be the dissemination of the printed word and/or visual material. That is what enhances a community and that is its true purpose.” (Tri-City Herald [Kennewick], 9-17-08)
A letter from a resident in Kennewick about the policy banning students from using the library across the street from the high school. “A high school and a library system colluding to keep kids away from books is an astonishing thing to contemplate.” (Tri-City Herald [Kennewick], 9-18-08)
Tacoma Public Library is making an investment in the working conditions of its staff, which in the long run will provide a better library system for patrons. Over the past several years the main branch has undergone considerable renovations to its exterior and interior spaces used by the public but the needs of the staff have been pushed back. Much of the impetus to change the workplace environment has come from staff members hired within the last year or two.(with color photo) (Tacoma Weekly, 9-11-08)
Programs and Displays:
When looking for homework help a good place to start is the Pend Oreille County Library District online catalog; you also can get reference and homework questions answered 24 hours a day. (Newport Miner, 9-10-08)
There’s a new “WiFi Zone” in town. The Roslyn Library introduced wireless Internet access last week. The new service enables the public to bring their own laptop computers or personal digital assistants (PDAs) to the library to work or study via the Internet. (Northern Kittitas County Tribune [Cle Elum], 9-11-08)
Summer Reading:
This is a continuation of last week’s list of Mid-Columbia Library System Summer Reading Program contest winners. Writing contest for ages 9-10 first place prize was awarded to Hailey Cleavenger, 9. Writing contest for ages 11-13 first place prize was awarded to Daphne Reilly, 11. The bookmark design contest winners are as follows: Ages 14-18, Shalini Ramanan; Ages 11-12, Eva Grate; Ages 9-10, Rachel Leshikar; Ages 7-8, Nahum Chavez; Ages 0-6, Belen Trinidad. ( with color photo) (Tri-City Herald [Kennewick], 9-16-08)
Book Sales:
[This summary of library news was created by Leanna Hammond and Susan Barrett of the Washington State Library Division of the Office of the Secretary of State. It represents a newspaper clippings packet from all Washington newspapers received on the date shown. For more information about any of these stories, contact Susan at 360-570-5561 or [email protected].]