District of Columbia's Secretary visits Oly

Dr. Stephanie Scott, Secretary of the District of Columbia, paid a call on this Washington's Secretary of State, Sam Reed, at the state Capitol on Tuesday. She and her children, Mattie (left) and Zennon Melnyk, are vacationing in Seattle, attending a family wedding, and wanted to visit Reed and tour the Capitol. Dr. Scott and Reed are friends from the National Association of Secretaries of State, which holds its winter conferences in the nation's capital. They worked together on forming a NASS standing committee on heritage. Dr. Scott, whose husband, Lt. Col. Les Melnyk, is deployed in Iraq, is responsible for archives , commissioning notaries, preparing executive orders for Mayor Adrian Fenty, and serving as chief of protocol for the District. She helped coordinate President Obama's inauguration, the convocation of the Electoral College, and visits by President Sarkozy of France and Pope Benedict XVI.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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