Electronic Resources for Library Users: Survey Report and Complete Results

Survey Graph
In approaching a new contract for statewide database licensing in Washington State, the Washington State Library decided to create two surveys, one for staff at libraries of all types throughout Washington, and another for the users of public libraries in Washington. Today we are publishing a report that provides a summary of that second survey for public library users. The survey was administered by providing a link and image for public libraries to put on their websites. In the interest of user anonymity, we did not collect any information about which users came from which libraries, which means that we cannot parse out data based on library size. This summary aggregates responses and comments from all users that started the survey. 1,209 library users started the survey, with 90.1% (1,089 library users) completing it. Interested parties may download the report (pdf) and complete results (xls) below: A report and analysis of the survey for library staff will also be published and made available once it is completed.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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