Excuse our dust

[caption id="attachment_78" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Excuse our dust, San Juan Historical Museum"]Excuse our dust, San Juan Historical Museum[/caption] I had to laugh at this sign that was hanging outside one of out buildings at the San Juan Historical Museum in Friday Harbor, WA. I laugh because it seems small or rural community has a very dusty historical museum. The stuff is old. I worked in a museum in the town of Tekoa, WA. The museum is situated behind the Tekoa library branch, part of the Whitman County Library System. The Tekoa museum only opens once a year to the public (though they'll open by appointment if requested). Talk about dust. The museum is open each year to coincide with Tekoa Slippery Gulch Days. I guess this sign also applies to our Washington Rural Heritage collection. We have one collection up so far but will be adding more over the coming months. Stay tuned....

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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