From the desk of Mary Paynton Schaff
After some serious consideration, the Public Services staff has come to the decision that it is time to put an official end our blog. Unfortunately we just don’t have time to update it any longer, and we hate to have old and outdated posts out there cluttering up our website and confusing our patrons. And while it's apparent that the blog format served our purposes for a number of years, we now have better and more efficient ways of posting new information on our website for you.
We remain very proud of what we accomplished with our blog, which the Communications folks at WSDOT say was the first government blog for the State of Washington! Our efforts were also profiled in a number of library publications and training seminars, including 5 Weeks to a Social Library. In the three years since we started our “little blog that could”, the technology and culture surrounding government blogging has changed tremendously, and we like to think we maybe had a little something to do with that.
Our staff will make "guest appearances" on the other Washington State Library blogs currently available, and as always we are available for your questions about Washington State history, government, culture, and genealogy at [email protected].
Thanks for your readership over the years. It's been a heck of a ride.