Feeling hot? It's all relative ...

At the Washington Capitol, the sun is out, but folks are still pretty bundled up. Our colleague, Patrick McDonald, who's on a tour of duty in Iraq with the Army Reserves as an elections adviser, regularly sends us great slice-of-life photos and info.

Today, we got a reminder that summer and unbearable heat has arrived in Baghdad. Says Patrick, "Just in case you think it is too cold, welcome to my world. 80 more days of this!"

Baghdad, Iraq: Friday, May 15 Sunshine and unseasonably hot. Winds will be light and variable. Feels like: 118 °F High: 112 °F Olympia: Friday, May 15 Partly sunny and warmer. High: 67 °F Feels like: 71 °F

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

Image of Secretary of State Steve Hobbs

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