Getting together all the library soloists…

Modern technology assures that no library staff is really alone, separated by miles, walls and fences perhaps but everyone is only a fax, phone call or email away. It is required that we check our email twice a day and respond. We share reference questions and circulation problems, coordinate efforts in coverage of absent library staff, illness or rare vacations and all through electronic transmissions. Still, it would be best if we would get together and share our experiences, training, trials and triumphs with each other face to face. You know, like real people do. So we have Quarterly Conferences, two days at a secret location where the agenda reflects the current challenges and commitments. It is good to get together, in 1998 when I first attended the conference there were over thirty staff from all the institutions we serviced, three mental health and nine correction centers. A bit overwhelming since they all knew each other and I was new. A few conferences later I told the new man coming into the group that tradition had it that the newest member of the institutional library services had to lead the group in a song, and he jumped up and led the group sing of Three Blind Mice. It is wonderful starting a new tradition and having new staff lead and join and blend in so well. No, it wasn't a real tradition and didn't become one, but the idea was to get to know each other, trust each other and enjoy being together. So now, in 2008, we have eleven correction center and two hospital libraries and nineteen library staff and one great administrative support person holding us together. We will have guest speakers, the State Librarian will attend and brief us on current progress and programs, we will discuss the upgrade of our Library software, the new procedures for overdues and reports. We will have a dress rehearsal of our presentation for the WALE Conference, Rehab, Recovery & Re-entry. It should be very interesting as we share our thoughts and try to improve our services to our patrons. If we remained in our institutions without getting together the supervisors and program manager would have to visit more to insure that the staff didn't get isolated, or feel abandoned and isolated, alone.. always alone. We aren't alone and get lots of connection by the quarterly meeting's discussions and exchange.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

Image of Secretary of State Steve Hobbs

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