Haven’t registered to vote? Go do it!

If you want to register to vote in the General Election on November 2 but don’t have time to go down to your county elections office, you have a couple of options. But you better act soon! You have until this Monday to register either online or through the mail. The same deadline applies if you need to transfer or update your voter registration status. Go here to register online or to print out a voter registration form that you would mail in. This November’s ballot features the high-profile and expensive U.S. Senate battle between incumbent Patty Murray and challenger Dino Rossi, all nine congressional seats, all 98 state House seats, 25 state Senate seats, judicial contests, and many local races, as well as six statewide initiatives and three other ballot propositions. In other words, there’s a lot of important stuff to vote on this fall. And you don’t want to miss out, do ya? October 25 is the in-person registration deadline for brand new Washington registrations. Voters need to fill out and turn in a voter registration form at their county elections office. Go here to visit a county Web site and get more information about voter registration or about candidates listed on the General Election ballot.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

Image of Secretary of State Steve Hobbs

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