Hey, number nerds: WA Primary turnout, by age & gender...

Yes, it's true, we are a font of information for demographics geeks. Here, for instance, are fresh numbers on the 2010 primary participation, by age sector and gender. The percentages to the right of each category is the percentage of the total turnout of about 1.5 million. The 18-24 year olds were 4 percent of the total, and those 25-34 added another 6 percent. In other words, voters 35 and older were 90 percent of the participating electorate. The numbers continue to show the general trend that, the older you are, the more likely you are to vote. County by county breakout? But of course. ------------ And here are the 2009 General Election numbers. Here the age distinctions weren’t as great, with roughly 20 percent of each sector of older voters casting ballots. The 45-54 segment actually had the best percentage turnout as an age group. ---------------- And voter registration by age group? Here ya go. ----------- Many thanks to Patty Murphy of the state Elections Division for all this drill-down information, and kudos to Sam Morris in our IT shop for helping format all of this info. Finally, a tip of the hat to PubliCola for giving inspiration to our photo above.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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