Holiday tree is in the building

The Legislative Building, that is. A group of General Administration workers brought in the 22-foot noble fir Monday morning and erected it in the Capitol Rotunda during the noon hour. According to a GA official, the tree was donated by Tom and Dian Rolfs of Olympia, who live near Marvin Road. The fir was originally planted on their deck in 1995 as a living Christmas tree. It was then transitioned to their yard, and they continued to decorate it until it grew too tall. The tree was located too close to their water main, so it had to go. This is the 22nd year that the Association of Washington Business is holding a holiday tree lighting event in the Rotunda. This year’s ceremony is scheduled for December 3 at 6 p.m. Go here for more info on AWB’s Holiday Kids’ Tree Project.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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