Friday and the Sun has returned and is burning off the fog of the morning. I ride my Trusty Triumph to work, thinking this is the perfect day to just keep on riding, don't stop, don't park, don't go to work. A perfect drive by work day. I know there are Over Dues to do, that I have a new library clerk to train, that supplies from DOC only come today, that this is the day the crew cleans the floor, that ILL requests must be typed up and recorded, and I know that two of the crew will be having visits and we will be short staff for patron needs. Still it is Friday and the number of patrons will be small as the weather is good. There will be some one that will need to know something, some one from industries coming in the last hour to get his weekend reading and music to listen to, so I will have to stop, park and go to work... on this perfect Drive by Work Day.