It’s official: I-1125 will be on ballot

What was considered to be a foregone conclusion became official Monday afternoon when Secretary Reed certified Initiative 1125, allowing it to be placed on the statewide ballot. The Tim Eyman-sponsored measure deals with transportation tolling and revenue. Signature checkers completed the review on I-1125 Monday morning. Here is the official certification that places I-1125 before Washington voters this fall. The certificate signed by Reed said I-1125 supporters turned in 328,632 signatures, enough to use a 3 percent random sample of 10,012 sigs. Signature checkers rejected 1,051 for a variety of reasons: Registrations were not found for 940 signers, a signature verification from the voter’s home county was still pending for 27 people, 71 signatures did not match the one on file, and 13 pairs of duplicates were found. The overall error rate on the 1125 signatures was 14.63 percent. An initiative needs 241,153 valid signatures to qualify for the November ballot. I-1125 is the first citizen initiative to be guaranteed a spot on the November 8 ballot. Elections workers are now doing a random-sample check of I-1183, the Costco-backed measure that aims to privatize liquor sales in Washington. The SEIU-sponsored I-1163, which deals with long-term care workers, will be the third and final initiative reviewed by signature checkers. The I-1183 signature check is expected to be completed late this week, and Elections Division staffers anticipate that the I-1163 check will be finished next week.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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