It's official: We get a 10th congressional seat!

U.S. Census officials, including Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, our former governor, recently gave us the good news that our population (6,724,540 souls) has grown enough to warrant another congressional district. Today, we got the official notification. The clerk of the U.S. House, Karen L. Haas, sent Secretary of State Sam Reed a “certificate of entitlement” that says Washington gets, and we quote, “TEN REPRESENTATIVES.” Here is the certificate. And the letter to Governor Gregoire. Just a few hours earlier, the citizen Redistricting Commission was sworn in. Their task is to redraw legislative and congressional districts (including the brand new 10th District) by the end of the year, adjusting districts to reflect the population shifts that have occurred over the last decade. Says Secretary Reed: "We continue to be enthused at the prospect of getting a new congressional seat and a new electoral vote. It adds to our clout and it shows that Washington is a great place to live and work and raise a family."

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

Image of Secretary of State Steve Hobbs

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