It's Simply Washington! And it's free!

Our online publication Simply Washington was so popular when it rolled out over a year ago, we were asked if we had an updated version this year. Not only did we update it, we added seven more pages to highlight even more aspects of our great state. We feature Washingtonians at play from hiking and biking to kayaking the Puget Sound. We explore our fish and wildlife industry, visit our flower festivals and add more pages about our amazing agricultural products like apples, wheat and dairy. And of course we kept all the original favorites of this publication showcasing Washington's well known industries, the history of our state, fun trade facts and figures and how our state government operates, plus much, much more. Simply Washington is a great resource for students learning civics, visitors or anyone just curious to learn more about Washington. All of the information is in the public domain so feel free to use it as you see fit. You can print it out directly from our website.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

Image of Secretary of State Steve Hobbs

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The Washington Office of the Secretary of State’s blog provides from-the-source information about important state news and public services.

This space acts as a bridge between the public and Secretary Steve Hobbs and his staff, and we invite you to contribute often to the conversation here.

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