Jeepers! Capitol trash cans runneth over?

Budget cuts are coming in tangible ways to the Capitol Campus next week as the new budget taxes effect -- and we aren't just talking about pink slips and travel cutbacks. Let's talk trash. According to the Department of General Administration, desk-side trash in the Capitol and most other campus buildings will be picked up twice weekly instead of daily. In the Natural Resources Building and the Cherberg Senate office building, which have composting, will get service once a week. Feelin' cooties? Vacuuming will be once a week instead of daily, carpets will be cleaned once a year instead of twice, floors won't be stripped and buffed for appearance (unlike reality shows!) , and marble restoration will be done once every four years instead of annually. Custodians will still have to clean 2.1 million square feet of space each day in 24 Capitol Campus buildings.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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