Learning about Lincoln’s link to Washington

With this year marking the 150th anniversary of the Civil War’s start, there has been plenty of attention given to the era of the “war between the states.” We all know about President Lincoln’s pivotal role in trying to reunite the nation during the war. But what was his influence on the recently created Washington Territory and the Pacific Northwest during that time? State Supreme Court Justice Gerry Alexander will shed light on that during a presentation on June 2 from noon to 1 p.m. in Secretary Reed’s office. It’s the latest installment in our office’s Brown Bag speaker series. Justice Alexander, who is retiring from the Supreme Court at the end of this year, wrote a very interesting article years ago about Lincoln’s influence on this area. Space is limited, so if you want to attend, please RSVP soon to Brian Zylstra at [email protected] or (360) 902-4173.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

Image of Secretary of State Steve Hobbs

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