Bill | Title | Sponsor | Status | Date | Latest Cmte Mtg Info | Companion Bills |
HB 1044 | Office of open records | Hurst | H SGTribalAff | 1/10/2011 | Jan 20 PH in the H- State Govt /TA at 10:00 AM. | SB 5237(SGovtOp & Elect) |
HB 1083 | Postretirement employment | Bailey | H Ways & Means | 1/10/2011 | Feb 7 PH in the H- Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. | |
ESHB 1086 | Operating sup budget 2009-11 | Hunter | S Passed 3rd | 2/4/2011 | Feb 3 Ex action taken in the S- Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. | SB 5095(SWays & Means) |
HB 1087 | Operating budget 2011-2013 | Hunter | H Ways & Means | 1/11/2011 | SB 5094(SWays & Means) | |
HB 1111 | Federal, state & local govts | Taylor | H Local Govt | 1/12/2011 | ||
SHB 1127 | Bargaining representatives | Moeller | H Rules R | 2/7/2011 | Feb 2 Ex action taken in the H- Lab/Work/Dev at 1:30 PM. | |
HB 1139 | Public record disputes | Armstrong | H SGTribalAff | 1/13/2011 | Jan 27 PH in the H- State Govt /TA at 10:00 AM. | SB 5062(SGovtOp & Elect) |
HB 1158 | Ballot title information | Orcutt | H SGTribalAff | 1/13/2011 | ||
HB 1216 | Digital copy machines | Hudgins | H SGTribalAff | 1/17/2011 | ||
HB 1262 | Annuities & retirement plans | Bailey | H Ways & Means | 1/18/2011 | Feb 7 PH in the H- Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. | SB 5162(SWays & Means) |
HB 1264 | Employment eligibility/govt | Anderson | H SGTribalAff | 1/18/2011 | ||
HB 1299 | Pub records request disputes | Takko | H SGTribalAff | 1/18/2011 | Jan 31 PH in the H- State Govt /TA at 1:30 PM. | SB 5089(SGovtOp & Elect) |
HB 1300 | Public records copying costs | Moeller | H SGTribalAff | 1/18/2011 | Jan 31 PH in the H- State Govt /TA at 1:30 PM. | SB 5088(SGovtOp & Elect) |
HB 1377 | Interest arbitration panels | Eddy | H Labor/Work Dev | 1/20/2011 | Feb 8 PH in the H- Labor & Workforce Development at 10:00 AM. | SB 5762(SLab/Comm/CP) |
HB 1385 | Emer medical services levy | Asay | H Ways & Means | 1/20/2011 | SB 5628(SWays & Means) | |
HB 1389 | Spec. purpose distr. records | Haler | H SGTribalAff | 1/20/2011 | SB 5294(SGovtOp & Elect) | |
HB 1404 | Local ballot measures | Sells | H SGTribalAff | 1/20/2011 | ||
HB 1409 | Public property/sale, etc. | Appleton | H SGTribalAff | 1/20/2011 | Feb 16 Scheduled for Ex session in the H- State Govt /TA at 8:00 AM. | SB 5208(SRules 2) |
HB 1598 | Real estate excise tax | Springer | H Local Govt | 1/26/2011 | Feb 4 PH in the H- Local Govt at 8:00 AM. | SB 5755(SGovtOp & Elect) |
HB 1625 | Plan 3 retirement systems | Hunter | H Ways & Means | 1/27/2011 | Feb 7 PH in the H- Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. | SB 5494(SWays & Means) |
HB 1675 | Public records requests | Reykdal | H SGTribalAff | 1/28/2011 | Feb 7 PH in the H- State Govt /TA at 1:30 PM. | |
HB 1693 | Retired local govt employees | Hunt | H Ways & Means | 1/31/2011 | SB 5565(SWays & Means) | |
HB 1704 | Vesting/PERS, SERS, TRS | Reykdal | H Ways & Means | 1/31/2011 | ||
HB 1705 | PERS, SERS, TRS plans 2 & 3 | Moscoso | H Ways & Means | 1/31/2011 | ||
HB 1706 | Retirement plan 2 members | Cody | H Ways & Means | 1/31/2011 | ||
HB 1730 | Local government bonds | Jinkins | H Local Govt | 2/1/2011 | Feb 11 PH in the H- Local Govt at 8:00 AM. | SB 5695(SGovtOp & Elect) |
HB 1742 | Alternate early retirement | Hunter | H Ways & Means | 2/1/2011 | Feb 7 PH in the H- Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. | |
HB 1809 | Resident contractors | Van De Wege | H SGTribalAff | 2/3/2011 | Feb 14 Scheduled for PH in the H- State Govt /TA at 1:30 PM. | SB 5662(SLab/Comm/CP) |
HB 1826 | Taxpayer appeal protections | Orcutt | H Ways & Means | 2/3/2011 | Feb 15 Scheduled for PH in the H- Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. | |
HB 1855 | State mandates | Asay | H Local Govt | 2/7/2011 | ||
HB 1856 | Annexation ordinances | Asay | H Local Govt | 2/7/2011 | ||
HB 1881 | Community redevel. financing | Springer | H Ways & Means | 2/8/2011 | SB 5705(SEDev/Trd/Innov) | |
HB 1899 | Public records violations | Miloscia | H SGTribalAff | 2/9/2011 | Feb 16 Scheduled for PH and Ex sess in the H- State Govt /TA at 8:00 AM. | |
HB 1915 | Local govt infrastructure | Dunshee | H Cap Budget | 2/9/2011 | Feb 15 Scheduled for PH in the H- Capital Budget at 8:00 AM. | SB 5745(SWays & Means) |
HB 1942 | Property tx relief/deduction | Billig | H Ways & Means | 2/11/2011 | ||
HJR 4217 | Community redevel. financing | Springer | H Ways & Means | 2/8/2011 | SJR 8213(SEDev/Trd/Innov) | |
HJR 4219 | State's pension obligations | Van De Wege | H Ways & Means | 2/8/2011 | SJR 8214(SWays & Means) | |
SSB 5049 | Sunshine committee | Kline | S Rules 2 | 2/3/2011 | Feb 1 Ex action taken in the S- Govt Op/TRE at 1:30 PM. | |
SB 5062 | Public record disputes | Pridemore | S GovtOp & Elect | 1/12/2011 | Jan 24 PH in the S- Govt Op/TRE at 10:00 AM. | HB 1139(HSGTribalAff) |
SB 5088 | Public records copying costs | Haugen | S GovtOp & Elect | 1/13/2011 | Jan 24 PH in the S- Govt Op/TRE at 10:00 AM. | HB 1300(HSGTribalAff) |
SB 5089 | Pub records request disputes | Hatfield | S GovtOp & Elect | 1/13/2011 | Jan 24 PH in the S- Govt Op/TRE at 10:00 AM. | HB 1299(HSGTribalAff) |
SB 5094 | Operating budget 2011-2013 | Murray | S Ways & Means | 1/13/2011 | HB 1087(HWays & Means) | |
SB 5095 | Operating sup budget 2009-11 | Murray | S Ways & Means | 1/13/2011 | HB 1086(Hsubst for) | |
SB 5162 | Annuities & retirement plans | Murray | S Ways & Means | 1/17/2011 | Jan 27 PH in the S- Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. | HB 1262(HWays & Means) |
SB 5208 | Public property/sale, etc. | Chase | S Rules 2 | 2/4/2011 | Feb 3 Ex action taken in the S- Govt Op/TRE at 10:00 AM. | HB 1409(HSGTribalAff) |
SB 5237 | Office of open records | White | S GovtOp & Elect | 1/19/2011 | Feb 7 PH in the S- Govt Op/TRE at 10:00 AM. | HB 1044(HSGTribalAff) |
SB 5294 | Spec. purpose distr. records | Swecker | S GovtOp & Elect | 1/20/2011 | Feb 15 Scheduled for Ex session in the S- Govt Op/TRE at 6:00 PM. | HB 1389(HSGTribalAff) |
SB 5355 | Special agency meetings | Morton | S GovtOp & Elect | 1/21/2011 | Feb 15 Scheduled for Ex session in the S- Govt Op/TRE at 6:00 PM. | |
SB 5387 | Self-insurance/st. risk mgr | Hobbs | S FI/Hous/Ins | 1/24/2011 | Feb 1 PH in the S- FI Housing & Insurance at 10:00 AM. | HB 1670(HExec Action) |
SB 5494 | Plan 3 retirement systems | Brown | S Ways & Means | 1/27/2011 | Feb 3 PH in the S- Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. | HB 1625(HWays & Means) |
SB 5503 | State government | Pridemore | S GovtOp & Elect | 1/27/2011 | HB 1720(HSGTribalAff) | |
SB 5512 | Access to public records | Roach | S GovtOp & Elect | 1/27/2011 | ||
SB 5518 | Direct deposit of salaries | Tom | S Ways & Means | 1/28/2011 | Feb 15 Scheduled for PH in the S- Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. | |
SB 5553 | Public agency web site info | Roach | S GovtOp & Elect | 1/28/2011 | Feb 17 Scheduled for Ex session in the S- Govt Op/TRE at 10:00 AM. | |
SB 5565 | Retired local govt employees | Fraser | S Ways & Means | 1/31/2011 | HB 1693(HWays & Means) | |
SB 5567 | Property tax levy lid limits | Regala | S GovtOp & Elect | 1/31/2011 | ||
SB 5587 | Low-income prop tax deferral | Schoesler | S Ways & Means | 1/31/2011 | ||
SB 5628 | Emer medical services levy | Fain | S Ways & Means | 2/2/2011 | Feb 8 PH in the S- Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. | HB 1385(HWays & Means) |
SB 5638 | Flood control zone districts | Keiser | S Ways & Means | 2/2/2011 | Feb 10 PH in the S- Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. | |
SB 5662 | Resident contractors | Conway | S Lab/Comm/CP | 2/3/2011 | Feb 15 Scheduled for PH in the S- Lab/Comm/CP at 1:30 PM. | HB 1809(HSGTribalAff) |
SB 5675 | Real property tax assessment | Prentice | S GovtOp & Elect | 2/4/2011 | Feb 17 Scheduled for PH in the S- Govt Op/TRE at 10:00 AM. | |
SB 5685 | Public records violations | Swecker | S GovtOp & Elect | 2/7/2011 | Feb 15 Scheduled for Ex session in the S- Govt Op/TRE at 6:00 PM. | |
SB 5693 | "Copy"/public records act | Swecker | S GovtOp & Elect | 2/7/2011 | ||
SB 5695 | Local government bonds | Fraser | S GovtOp & Elect | 2/7/2011 | HB 1730(HLocal Govt) | |
SB 5705 | Community redevel. financing | Kilmer | S EDev/Trd/Innov | 2/8/2011 | Feb 14 Scheduled for PH in the S- EconDevTI at 1:30 PM. | HB 1881(HWays & Means) |
SB 5745 | Local govt infrastructure | Kilmer | S Ways & Means | 2/9/2011 | HB 1915(HCap Budget) | |
SB 5755 | Real estate excise tax | Ranker | S GovtOp & Elect | 2/10/2011 | HB 1598(HLocal Govt) | |
SB 5762 | Interest arbitration panels | Prentice | S Lab/Comm/CP | 2/10/2011 | HB 1377(HLabor/Work Dev) | |
SB 5765 | Use tax exemption | Benton | S Ways & Means | 2/10/2011 | ||
SB 5768 | Heritage, arts, & culture | Haugen | S GovtOp & Elect | 2/10/2011 | ||
SB 5770 | Raffles | Holmquist Newbry | S Lab/Comm/CP | 2/10/2011 | ||
SB 5773 | Health savings acct option | Zarelli | S Ways & Means | 2/11/2011 | ||
SJR 8213 | Community redevel. financing | Kilmer | S EDev/Trd/Innov | 2/8/2011 | Feb 14 Scheduled for PH in the S- EconDev/TI at 1:30 PM. | HJR 4217(HWays & Means) |
SJR 8214 | State's pension obligations | Conway | S Ways & Means | 2/8/2011 | HJR 4219(HWays & Means) |