Bill | Title | Sponsor | Status | Date | Latest Cmte Mtg Info | Companion Bills |
ESHB 1086 | Operating sup budget 2009-11 | Hunter | C 5 L 11 PV | ######### | SB 5095(SWays & Means) | |
ESHB 1087 | Operating 2009-11 & 2011-13 | Hunter | H Rules 3C | ######### | Apr 15 Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. | SB 5094(SWays & Means) |
SHB 1127 | Bargaining representatives | Moeller | C 222 L 11 | 5/3/2011 | ||
EHB 1409 | Public proprty/Indian tribes | Appleton | C 259 L 11 | 5/5/2011 | SB 5208(SRules X) | |
SHB 1485 | Charitable solicitations | Rodne | C 199 L 11 | ######### | ||
HB 1625 | Plan 3 retirement systems | Hunter | C 80 L 11 | ######### | SB 5494(SRules 3) | |
SHB 1728 | Service animals/businesses | Eddy | C 237 L 11 | 5/3/2011 | SB 5680(SLab/Comm/CP) | |
EHB 1730 | Local government bonds | Jinkins | C 210 L 11 | ######### | SB 5695(Ssubst for) | |
HB 1742 | Alternate early retirement | Hunter | H Rules R | ######### | Apr 14 Executive action taken in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. | |
ESHB 1826 | Taxpayer appeal protections | Orcutt | C 84 L 11 | ######### | ||
SHB 1899 | Public records violations | Miloscia | C 273 L 11 | 5/5/2011 | ||
HB 1953 | Real estate excise taxes | Springer | Del to Gov | ######### | ||
ESHB 1981 | Public & higher ed employees | Bailey | S 2nd Reading | 5/9/2011 | May 5 Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 10:00 AM. | |
SHB 1997 | Economic development/funding | Orwall | H Rules 3C | ######### | Apr 1 Executive action scheduled, but the motion to report the bill out of the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM failed. | |
SHB 1998 | Actuarial services/state | Bailey | H Rules 3C | ######### | Feb 25 Executive action taken in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. | |
HB 2018 | Local govt employee pensions | Moeller | H Ways & Means | ######### | SB 5882(SRules 2G) | |
SHB 2021 | PERS and TRS plan 1 | Pettigrew | Del to Gov | ######### | SB 5920(SRules 2) | |
SHB 2033 | Arts and heritage programs | Darneille | H Rules R | ######### | Apr 15 Executive action taken in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. | |
HB 2042 | In-state contractors | Dunshee | H Cap Budget | ######### | Apr 5 Public hearing in the House Committee on Capital Budget at 8:00 AM. | |
HB 2070 | Avg. salary/pension purposes | Seaquist | S Passed 3rd | 5/9/2011 | May 5 Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 10:00 AM. | |
HJR 4219 | State's pension obligations | Van De Wege | H Ways & Means | 2/8/2011 | Feb 16 Public hearing in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. | SJR 8214(SWays & Means) |
SB 5094 | Operating budget 2011-2013 | Murray | S Ways & Means | ######### | HB 1087(Hsubst for) | |
SB 5494 | Plan 3 retirement systems | Brown | S Rules 3 | ######### | Mar 22 Public hearing and executive action taken in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. | HB 1625(C 80 L 11) |
SSB 5553 | Public agency web site info | Roach | S Rules 3 | ######### | Mar 24 Public hearing in the House Committee on State Government & Tribal Affairs at 10:00 AM. | |
SSB 5587 | Property tax deferral prog. | Schoesler | S 2nd Reading | 5/9/2011 | May 5 Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 10:00 AM. | |
SB 5628 | Emer medical services levy | Fain | Del to Gov | ######### | HB 1385(HWays & Means) | |
ESB 5638 | Flood control zone districts | Keiser | S 3rd Reading | ######### | Apr 21 Executive action taken in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. | |
2SSB 5662 | In-state contractors | Conway | Del to Gov | ######### | HB 1809(HSGTribalAff) | |
SSB 5695 | Local government bonds | Fraser | S Rules 3 | ######### | Mar 15 Public hearing and executive action taken in the House Committee on Local Government at 10:00 AM. | EHB 1730(C 210 L 11) |
2ESB 5773 | Health savings acct option | Zarelli | H Passed 3rd | ######### | Mar 31 Executive action taken in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 10:00 AM. | |
SSB 5834 | Lodging tax/arts & heritage | Murray | S 3rd Reading | ######### | Mar 14 Public hearing in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. | |
SB 5852 | TRS and PERS plan 1 | Hewitt | H Rules R | ######### | Apr 14 Executive action taken in the House Committee on Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. | |
SB 5882 | Local govt employee pensions | Schoesler | S Rules 2G | 4/5/2011 | Mar 29 Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 2:00 PM. | HB 2018(HWays & Means) |
SB 5908 | Public employee pensions | Zarelli | S Ways & Means | ######### | Mar 30 Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. | |
SSB 5920 | PERS and TRS plan 1 | Murray | S Rules 2 | ######### | Apr 15 Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 1:30 PM. | HB 2021(Hsubst for) |
SB 5950 | Nonstate pension plans | Roach | S Ways & Means | ######### |