A new adventure

[caption id="attachment_30" align="alignleft" width="216" caption="Laura digitizing from a ladder at the Kettle Falls library."]

[/caption] I'm writing to bid farewell to all I've worked with in the process of setting up the Washington Rural Heritage initiative. It has been a fabulous year and I'm proud of all the work we've accomplished. I'm taking on new challenge here at the Washington State Library coordinating the effort to digitize Washington's newspapers with the National Digital Newspaper Program grant we recently received. I'm please to welcome two great folks that will be taking over the Washington Rural Heritage Project. Please welcome Evan Robb the new project manager. He is a recent graduate of the University of Washington Information School, and comes to us from Cedar Mill Community Library (Washington County, OR) where he has been working in adult reference and circulation since 2005. Also on board is Kirsten Furl as the project technical specialist. Kirsten just finished up her master's degree in Library Science from the University of North Texas, and has spent the last year working for the State Library on the Emma Smith DeVoe Papers collection in partnership with the Washington Women's History Consortium. [caption id="attachment_33" align="alignright" width="288" caption="In the Prius after a late spring snow in Colville, WA - good memories."]
Driving the Prius after a late spring snow in Colville, WA
[/caption] I've been working with both Kirsten and Evan over the past three weeks and feel confident the project will successfully continue. You may contact Evan or Kirsten with questions regarding Washington Rural Heritage. I also encourage them each to write and tell you all more about their interests and plans for the initiative. Thanks again to all who have helped make a successful start to this great initiative. A shout out to the folks at the libraries and museums in Ritzville, Enumclaw, Kettle Falls, Grandview, Whitman County, Ellensburg, and Columbia County, and on the Lopez, Orcas, San Juan, Lummi and Vashon Islands. I've made some unforgettable memories. Onward and upward!

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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