'Not in our House' for new State Song?

Dozens of initiatives are filed in Washington every year, ranging from the ultra-serious to the funny and frivolous conversation-starters. Kristopher Brannon of Tacoma, the "Sonics Guy," has just filed little plan to change the official Washington State Song from "Washington My Home" to "Not in Our House" by Sir Mix-A-Lot, the Seattle-based artist. His initiative says this use of the Sonics fight song would “honor the proud tradition of over 40 years of professional basketball in this state,” a reference to the recently departed Seattle SuperSonics, who won an NBA championship. The measure says if an NBA franchise team is landed for a Washington city, the state would revert to the original song. To get on the ballot in November, an initiative sponsor needs to submit 241,153 valid signatures of registered Washington voters by July 8. BTW, the “tapeworm” guy from last year is back with some other initiative proposals. James Vaughn of Orting has measures dealing with The Evergreen State College, de-funding “higher education freak shows”; obtaining signatures on the Internet, “protecting citizens from sexual predators,” by requiring sex offenders to wear an electronic device to warn others of his/her presence; banning use of tax dollars to subsidize college for foreign citizens; and making it easier to recall public officials.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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