Recount season over, no races overturned

Wrapping up Washington's election recount season Tuesday, Benton County officials have declared Dan Kathren the winner of a District Court judgeship by a margin of 15 votes out of over 50,000 cast. After reviewing a handful of ballots that had been challenged by election staff during the hand recount, one vote was subtracted from Kathren's original tally and seven votes were subtracted from Alex Ekstrom's total. That left Kathren the winner at 25,057, with Ekstrom close behind at 25,042. County Auditor Brenda Chilton said it was the first countywide recount since the county began using digital scanning equipment to tabulate votes. The recount didn't change the outcome, but did provide a thorough review of the election process, she said, adding, "Today's recount results should give voters comfort in knowing that the system we have in place is accurate and efficient." It was the one of the closest margins of any of the six races counted statewide this year, three conducted by machine recount and three by hand. Legislative recounts in three counties, Whatcom, King and Pierce, all upheld victories by the Republican challenger -- Sen. Steve Litzow in the 41st District, and Reps.-elect Vincent Buys in the 42nd and Hans Zeiger in the 25th. San Juan and Grays Harbor recounted county commission/council races. There was little change in any of the races except for the 25th District, where Zeiger picked up six votes and House Democratic Caucus Chair Dawn Morrell picked up 23. State Elections Director Nick Handy said recounts are a normal part of the election process, adding:
"Recounts are essentially an audit of the election process and they provide an excellent indication of the accuracy of elections. We had the typical pattern this year in these six recounts. No outcomes were reversed, but a few votes changed due to closer examination of the ballots. "The 2010 recounts really confirmed that the election reform measures instituted in Washington state since the 2004 governor's race are working. Those reform measures resulted in very accurate elections this year that were verified by the recount numbers."

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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