Reed predicts robust 66 percent turnout

Secretary of State Sam Reed is predicting the best midterm vote turnout in 40 years – 66 percent. Most voters will cast ballots by mail, and ballots go out later this week, with Nov. 2 as the postmark return deadline. Reed based his robust prediction on the drawing power of hotly contested races and ballots measures, heavy television spending, and fired-up grassroots activists. He says participation should exceed the 64.6 percent of 2006, the most recent midterm election, when turnout is always lower than the main presidential year election. The turnout was a record 85 percent in 2008. His forecast would be the most robust for a midterm election since 1970, when almost 72 percent of the registered voters cast ballots. In more recent years, the midterm turnout has averaged around 60 percent. King County, home to almost a third of the electorate, forecasts a 68 percent turnout – 69 percent in Seattle and 67 percent in the rest of the county. Washington has 3.6 million registered voters, the second largest electorate in the West, following California. Reed said: "Our election season will soon be underway, and people are clearly fired-up. We have a very enthused electorate this year, as demonstrated by the good turnout for the primary, the great interest here and nationally in our U.S. Senate race and good contests up and down the ticket, all across the state of Washington.” The main online and mail-in voter registration deadline has passed, but first-time Washington voters may apply in person at county election offices until Oct. 25. Wednesday is the first day that voters can go into their election office and get their ballot, and many counties will begin sending out ballots that day. Friday is the legal deadline for all ballots to be in the mail. A small portion of Pierce County’s electorate will use polling places, but all 38 other counties have switched entirely to vote-by-mail.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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