Resources for Washington Library Staff on Hard Times

The Washington State Library is aware that these trying times are putting special pressures on libraries and their customers, and we are thinking about ways to help. We will start by gathering resources and sites on job-finding, resume-writing, and many other aspects of the situation, including ideas from other state libraries. We are posting entries on a special section on this blog (click on the Hard Times category), and we invite you to add your own comments. We have also set up a resource portal and discussion space on WebJunction to assist libraries. See You can read what is there without joining WebJunction, but to fully participate in discussions and take the classes (for free) you need to join. Joining is free for Washington library staff (funded by WSL). To join, go to For more information, contact Ahniwa Ferrari, [email protected] or Jennifer Fenton, [email protected], toll free 1-866-538-4996.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

Image of Secretary of State Steve Hobbs

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The Washington Office of the Secretary of State’s blog provides from-the-source information about important state news and public services.

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