Spotlight on Staff: Leslie Christensen

Leslie Christensen
This week's staff spotlight shines on our Public Services team. Leslie Christensen is the "first face" of the Washington State Library that many of our customers encounter. She greets and assists customers as they enter the library, in person or on the phone, and makes each of them feel welcome. As the supervisor of the lobby, library circulation, and interlibrary loan, Leslie ensures that all library material transactions comply with quality standards. She mentors and oversees the lobby staff. In addition, Leslie monitors the library's online chat reference service and the ongoing projects done at the circulation desk.
Leslie Christensen
Program Manager, Lori Thornton, says, "Leslie has capably handled management of the lobby for years. After the February 2010 layoffs, Leslie worked alone at the circulation desk until Terry Mayo and Glenn Parsons joined her this summer, each working half-time." In 2010, Leslie took on interlibrary loan as an added responsibility. She reorganized and streamlined the process so that she could absorb the workload previously handled by several people. Glenn Parsons now assists Leslie with interlibrary loan tasks and Terry provides afternoon coverage at the circulation desk so that Leslie is free to assist with chat reference and complete other duties. Leslie also assists Lori Thornton with the Baby Read program at the Washington Corrections Center for Women. (See our blog post: According to Rand Simmons, Acting State Librarian, "People come to libraries because they want to be in a place that is welcoming and inviting. Leslie's positive customer service makes the Washington State Library Central Library a place to which our customers want to return." Thanks for representing us so well, Leslie!

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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