'Still reforming': Governor signs election package

Flanked by Secretary of State Sam Reed and many of Washington's County Auditors, Governor Gregoire has signed election legislation that will save tax dollars, reduce the number of springtime election dates, and make voter registration even more convenient for qualified residents. Reed says the four bills signed by the governor on Friday reflect a goal by his Elections Division and the counties to continuously improve the elections process in Washington. "We are constantly on the lookout for better ways of doing business," Reed said. "Our collective goal -- the counties and the state, the executive branch and legislative branch -- is for fair, accurate, accessible and secure elections. We are already on the map as one of the nation's finest systems, and yet there's always more work to do. We're still reforming. We're already thinking ahead to the 2010 legislative session." The bills signed by the governor include:
  • Special elections. HB1018 reduces the number of springtime special local election dates from four to three (February, April and May) until 2011. After that, the available dates will be February and April. The change will save significant tax dollars and will allow more time for counties to handle the crush of voter registration and getting ready for the next election, Reed says.
  • Voter registration. Prospective voters will be allowed to register closer to Election Day under SB5270 -- as close as eight days before the election if you register in person and 29 days if you want to go online or register by mail or through a volunteer registrar. The current deadlines are 15 days and 31 days, respectively.
  • Reducing expenses. As part of the agency's budget-cutting, SB6122 authorizes Elections Division to cut previously required levels of spending for legal advertising, printing, county election department reviews, and publications. Reed expects to save about $500k in the next two years. The new agency budget will be about $40 million in General Fund dollars, down 26 percent from $56 million in the current budget.
  • Identifying marks. SB5359 bars election officials from marking a ballot in any way that identifies the voter, and also says that if a voter signs or marks his or her own ballot, it won't be thrown out.
Other election measures were previously signed by the governor, clarifying candidate filing, eliminating the requirement to send ballots to inactive voters, and permitting ex-convicts to apply for restoration of voting rights once released from prison and community supervision. "It has been a very good year for election legislation, and we and the County Auditors greatly appreciate the support from the Legislature and Governor Gregoire," said state Elections Director Nick Handy.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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