
An elections worker counts pages for I-1183, the liquor privatization measure.
Elections Division crews will review signatures submitted for three citizen initiatives. Together, sponsors estimate they brought in more than 1 million signatures by Friday’s deadline. They are:- Initiative 1183 was the first measure to come in. It would close state liquor stores and privatize liquor sales, excluding smaller stores. I-1183 sponsors said they turned in 354,398 signatures. One 1183 official said that about 150,000 of the signatures were gathered at Costco stores.
- I-1125 came in later. Spearheaded by Tim Eyman (below, with KIRO-TV reporter Essex Porter), 1125 deals with transportation. Eyman said I-1125 received 327,043 signatures.
- The SEIU-backed I-1163 campaign then brought in 340,497 signatures. That measure deals with homecare workers.
- Senate Joint Resolution 8205, updating residency requirement to vote for president and vice president.
- SJR 8206, requiring the Legislature to transfer to the rainy day fund a portion of extraordinary state revenue growth.