from Ning Community website:
- Nearly 2/3 of all the human beings who have ever lived past the age of 65 are alive today.
- Often considered the wealthiest generation in American history, Boomers face unique financial challenges – including the lowest savings rate (10%) of any other generation, the uncertainty of Social Security and skyrocketing healthcare costs.
- Midlife is a period in which individuals begin to think about, plan for, and actually disengage from their primary occupations and the raising of children. They launch a second or third career, develop new identities and new ways to be productively engaged.
- Four out of five Boomers see work as playing a role in their retirement.
- In a 10-year longevity study, researchers concluded that close family relationships, although important, were less likely than a network of good friends to increase longevity in older people.
- Community
- Financial Security
- Health (and aging)
- Life After 50 Options
- Lifelong Learning
- Spirituality
- Work & Volunteerism
- Strategic Facilitation
- Community Assessment
- Partnerships and Collaborations
- Volunteer Engagement
- Evaluating Results
- Engaging Adults through Social Media
- 11% of the world’s population is over 60. By 2050, 22% will be.