Since I started working in correctional libraries I have not had a chance to be bored and that is the way I like it. From the moment I leave my car to the movement I get back into it to go home, there is something for me to do. Just an example of what my day can be like: Arrive at the institution about 11:45 am.
- Get the library keys out of the electronic keeper.
- Walk the 10 minutes to the library door, going through 4 doors or gates controlled by a correctional officer.
- Get a cup of coffee.
- Check the never ending email on both DOC and State Library.
- Respond to anything that needs a response.
- Look over email to check for items with deadlines.
- Plan my items for the day.
- Check OCLC for pending and unfilled ILL requests.
- Run to the bathroom one last time before the doors open at 1pm.
- Clerks arrive at 1pm.
- The first unit arrives right behind them.
- 40 offenders arrive to return materials, check out books, request information.
- An hour passes by as I add new patrons, answer questions, and seal the mail for pickup at 2pm.
- The first unit clears the library making a mad dash for the door. I have a slight breather before the next group arrives.
- The 2nd group arrives at about 2:05pm and the hectic hour of adding new patrons and answering questions begins.
- At 2:30pm the mail arrives.
- I start opening the mail, sorting the newspapers to give to a clerk, setting the magazines aside to enter in the computer when I have a moment and placing the ILL books aside to receive in OCLC when I get time to go to the office.
- At 3 pm the 2nd group of the day makes the mad dash for the door.
- At 3:05 pm the 3rd group of the day comes in and we start all over again.
- During this hour I also receive the ILL books in OCLC and enter the magazines into the computer.
- The 3rd and last of the units for the afternoon leave at 3:45pm, my clerks are close behind them.
- I make a mad dash for the bathroom.
- I now have the time from 3:50 pm to 6 pm to do the following:
- Check email again. Respond to any that had a deadline of 4pm.
- Search for the ILL requests in OCLC.
- Return ILL request in OCLC.
- Order new books from Baker and Taylor.
- Order any supplies that are needed.
- Any special projects that need the Internet.
- Find records for books on the WSL catalog.
- Compile and write reports that need to be submitted.
- Sneak about 30 minutes for my lunch.
- Make the mad dash back to the bathroom before 6pm.
- 6 pm brings the clerks and the first unit of the night.
- 1 hour rush of adding new patrons, answering reference questions begin.
- However, this hour I get to do any special projects that need to be done that don't require the Internet, read Library Journal and Booklist so that I can order new books.
- 7pm they make the last ditch effort to check out their materials and return to their unit.
- 7:05 pm the last unit of the night arrives and we start all over.
- 8:00 pm the last offender walks out the door.
- I turn off the lights and computers.
- Check my email one last time.
- Lock the office door and then the library door.
- By 8:30 pm I have returned the radio, passed though 4 correctional officer controlled doors, returned my keys to the key control box.
- The last part of the day is walking to my car and going home.