Utterly appropriate: leadership award for Reed

Former Chief Justice Robert F. Utter and Secretary of State Sam Reed are old friends and a have a mutual admiration society. Reed and his wife Margie even live in the Olympia split-level that Utter and his wife Betty called home before they moved to the bayfront. And Reed's Legacy Project has just produced a wonderful oral history on the distinguished jurist, civic activist and scholar. So it was quite fitting, then, when Utter presented Reed with this year's Robert F. Utter Award sponsored by the Washington State Youth & Government program to honor "outstanding citizenship, leadership and character." At ceremonies at the State Reception Room in the Capitol last evening, Utter said Reed exemplifies the very best in public service, particularly his lifetime of work on elections and promoting civic-engagement and youth mentoring. The award was presented at the opening reception for the annual YMCA Youth & Government model legislature.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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