Vote for your favorite “Archives Treasure”

Nowadays, we have opinion polls on just about everything. Not wanting to miss the poll train, we’re offering you a chance to sound off on some of our State Archives’ many interesting documents, collections, photos and other historical gems. Starting this month, we’re featuring various “Archives Treasures.” Over the past few days, we’ve showcased three of these treasures for viewing. The first “contestant” is the state boxing license applications submitted by heavyweight legends Muhammad Ali and George Foreman. The second is one of the photos showing the construction of the Legislative Building. And the third is the territorial seal created in the 1850s. Now it’s up to you. Please vote for your favorite Archives Treasure below. We’ll leave our poll open until next Thursday and then we’ll announce the winner next Friday! #1 Boxing legends’ license applications

#2 Legislative Building construction photos
#3 Washington territorial seal
[poll id="31"]

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

Image of Secretary of State Steve Hobbs

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