“Watch Em Buck” — The Ellensburg Rodeo Collection

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Harley May makes a sudden exit off Quick Silver, 1964[/caption] From the desk of Evan Robb The Ellensburg Heritage collection recently went live, and just in time for the annual Ellensburg Rodeo (one of America's top 25 professional rodeos, and a mainstay of cultural life in Kittitas County). Ellensburg Public Library provided these images from its historic rodeo photograph collection, and described their content with help from members of the Ellensburg Rodeo Hall of Fame. The collection is comprised of photographs from the 1920s through the 1960s, depicting all aspects of rodeo life: community traditions; dramatic bronc, bull, and trick riding; Yakima Indian involvement in rodeo proceedings; and the daring cowboys and cowgirls who have thrilled local audiences over the years. Ellensburg's new collection also includes a number of photos by Devere Helfrich, and R.R. Doubleday -- both considered to rank among the very best of early rodeo photographers. Take a moment to browse around Washington Rural Heritage's exciting new collection!

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