
- Puget Sound Weekly Argus: 1876 (Port Townsend) Jan. 1, 1876 - July 27, 1877
- Puget Sound Herald (Steilacoom) March 12, 1858 - Dec. 27, 1860
- Yakima Herald Feb. 2, 1889 - Dec. 29, 1892

- Fort Colvile, 1826-1871 by U.S. Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service. Contents: This pamphlet summarizes the history of Fort Colvile, founded by the Hudson's Bay Company in 1825.
- 600 days' service by Harold H. Burton. Contents: A history of the 361st Infantry Regiment of the 91st Division of the United States Army.
- Camp Lewis. Contents: An early historical record of the Ninety-First Division at Camp Lewis.
- Official history of the Thirteenth Division. Contents: The history of the 13th Division, organized at Camp Lewis, American Lake, Washington on July 16, 1918. The book contains photographs of troops and descriptions of their duties.
- Report on source, nature, and extent of the fishing, hunting, and miscellaneous related rights of certain Indian tribes in Washington and Oregon : together with affidavits showing location of a number of usual and accustomed fishing grounds and stations by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Contents: A report covering the investigation pertaining to the fishing, hunting, and related miscellaneous rights of certain tribes in the Pacific Northwest under the provisions of a group of treaties executed in the period between December 26, 1854 and January 25, 1856. The investigation was conducted, and the report prepared in 1941, as a result of fish and wildlife conservation legislation which limited rights reserved to Indians in the treaties of the 1800s.
- Natural history of Washington territory and Oregon by George Suckley. Contents: Preface, including a brief narrative of the explorations from 1853 to 1857.--Errata, with additions and corrections up to 1860.-[pt. 1. Meteorology - not included (see Notes).--pt. 2. Botanical report.--pt. 3. Zoological report
- Climate of the state of Washington by W.N. Allen. Contents: "A careful and elaborate treatise on the climactic conditions, with reference to temperature, winds, rainfall and snowfall."
- [Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address] by Abraham Lincoln. Contents: Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address, March 4, 1865. The text was excerpted from the Congressional Globe of the 38th Congress, 2nd Session.

- British Columbia and Vancouver Island [London? : Longman & Co.?] , 1865
- Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area [Portland, Or.?] : USDA, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, [1991]
- Indian reservations, allotments and ceded areas in Washington Cooper, Gwen [Olympia, Wash.] : Dept. of Game, [1961]
- Johnson's Washington and Oregon [New York] : Johnson & Browning, [1862?]
- Legislative districts and commissioner districts, Olympia, Washington Thurston County (Wash.) Auditor's Office [Olympia, Wash.] : The Office, 1989
- Legislative districts and commissioner districts, Thurston County, Washington Thurston County (Wash.) Auditor's Office [Olympia, Wash.] : The Office, 1989
- Map of Oregon Territory, 1838 Parker, Samuel, 1779-1866 Utica, N.Y. : M.M. Peabody, 1838
- Map of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and part of Montana (1876) Mitchell, S. Augustus S. Augustus Mitchell, 1876
- Map of the City of Cheney (1916) Morgan, W. L. W. L. Morgan? 1916
- Map of the Oregon Territory Wilkes, Charles, 1798-1877 [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, [19--?]
- Map of state of Washington, 1905 Washington (State). Bureau of Statistics and Immigration Seattle, Wash. : Tucker-Hanford Co. , 1905
- Map of Washington showing location of mines, quarries, limekilns ... [1918] Washington Geological Survey, [1918]
- Oregon and Washington (1873) Gray, Frank A. O. W. Gray, 1873
- Part of British Columbia (1861) Publ. for the Journal of the Royal Geographic Society ... to illustrate the papers of Mr. Justice Begbie, Comr. Mayne, R. N., Lt. Palmer, R.E. & Mr. Downie. J. Murray Albemarle, 1861
- Preliminary agricultural map of Colville region, Washington Ter. Hilgard, Eugene W. (Eugene Woldemar), 1833-1916 N.Y. : Julius Bien & Co., 1883
- Reconnaissance of Olympia Harbor, Washington Ter. (1856) U.S. Coast Survey, 1856
- Sketch K showing the progress of the survey in Section XI: from Tillamook Bay to the Boundary U.S. Coast Survey, 1859
- Washington (1900) Cram, George Franklin, 1841-1928 Geo. F. Cram, 1900 Shows location of banking towns and railroads.
- Washington and Oregon [1854?] J. H. Colton & Co. , [1854?]
- World (1829?) s.n. , 182-? Folded leaf from a book, possibly the American universal geography.