Who plays Isaac Stevens: Pitt or DiCaprio?

Now that our new Civil War sesquicentennial exhibit featuring the first Washington territorial governor, Isaac Stevens, is up and ready for everyone to see in our office's front lobby, one recurring comment made by some office staffers is that Stevens bared a strong resemblance to actor Brad Pitt, who, as one female co-worker put it, “is Mr. Dreamy.” Another colleague remarked that Stevens looks a bit like Mr. Titanic himself, actor Leonardo DiCaprio. So, not wanting to miss out on the opportunity to take the public’s pulse on this oh-so-crucial issue, we want to find out what YOU think: Did Isaac Stevens, who was in charge of Washington Territory in the 1850s, look more DiCaprio or Pitt? Let us know by taking part in our poll. We'll provide a look at the results later on. The Stevens/Civil War exhibit is privately funded. It will be on display until next February. The exhibit is overseen by the Washington State Heritage Center, which is part of the Office of Secretary of State. [poll id="6"]

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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