Volume 6, December 16, 2010 for the WSL Updates mailing list Topics include: 1) VIDEO CONTEST – ESPECIALLY FOR TEENS 2) FREE BOOKS FOR DISCUSSION KITS OR COMMUNITY READS 3) TECHNOLOGY FOR GOOD CONTEST 4) GRANTS FOR AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY AND CULTURE 5) GRANTSTATION SUBSCRIPTION RENEWALS 6) FREE CE OPPORTUNITIES NEXT WEEK --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) VIDEO CONTEST – ESPECIALLY FOR TEENS Calling all teens! Create a video promoting summer reading at your library and you could win $250! The best short Public Service Announcement, using the theme “You Are Here,” produced by a Washington student or group of students that encourages use of their local public libraries and promotes reading all summer long will take away the contest prize. The top video will be featured throughout 2011 as the official commercial for Washington’s Summer Reading Program. Completed forms are due by March 7, 2011. For more information, go to http://www.sos.wa.gov/library/libraries/projects/summerreading/videochallenge.aspx. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) FREE BOOKS FOR DISCUSSION KITS OR COMMUNITY READS If your library could use gently used copies of The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien, the Washington State Library will be happy to send them to any Washington library. These are trade paperbacks left over from Everett Public Library’s community read program which they have graciously agreed to share with libraries in the state. As this was from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Big Read project, there are also 20 NEA-produced Audio guides together with 33 NEA Readers’ guides. Minimum request of at least ten books is required. There are 536 books available. If you are interested, please contact Carolyn Peterson at [email protected] or call toll-free at 866.538.4996. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) TECHNOLOGY FOR GOOD CONTEST Share your story of how Microsoft software has enabled your organization to make a difference and maximize your impact on the community. Up to three winning organizations will be awarded prizes that include a $5,000 unrestricted cash grant, up to $100,000 worth of donated Microsoft software, travel expenses to attend WA State Nonprofit Connection Day at the Microsoft campus in Redmond, Washington on February 4, 2011, and consulting services donated by NPower Seattle. The contest submission period begins on December 20, 2010 and will close at midnight (Pacific daylight time) on January 18, 2011. Contest winners will be notified by January 25, 2011. All eligible 501(c)(3) nonprofits and public libraries that use Microsoft software to make a difference and that are located in the state of Washington are invited to apply. For more details, go to www.showyourimpact.org/microsoft. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) GRANTS FOR AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY AND CULTURE The Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) is pleased to announce the availability of guidelines and application forms for the 2011 Museum Grants for African American History and Culture. The grant program supports projects that enhance institutional capacity and sustainability in the nation’s African American museums through professional training, technical assistance, internships, outside expertise, and other important tools. Application deadline: January 18, 2011. For additional information, go to www.sos.wa.gov/quicklinks/museumgrants. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) GRANTSTATION SUBSCRIPTION RENEWALS Three years ago the Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED - now Department of Commerce), in partnership with the Washington State Library, provided a free GrantStation subscription to public libraries throughout the state. Those subscriptions expire at the end of 2010. For Washington libraries that are interested in continuing a GrantStation subscription, the company is offering a special renewal option. The deadline for responding is December 31, 2010. Details, including a subscription form, are available at www.sos.wa.gov/quicklinks/purchases. For more information about GrantStation, contact Will Stuivenga at [email protected], or call toll-free at 866.538.4996. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) FREE CE OPPORTUNITIES NEXT WEEK Monday, December 20:
- My Research (ProQuest); 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. PST: www.sos.wa.gov/quicklinks/MyResearch;
- ProQuest Administrator Module (for librarians) (ProQuest); 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. PST: www.sos.wa.gov/quicklinks/PAM;