WSL Updates, Feb. 19, 2009

Volume 5: Feb. 19, 2009 for the WSL Updates mailing list Topics include: 1) CONTINUING EDUCATION GRANTS FROM WSL 2) SUMMER READING PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS AVAILABLE SOON 3) DTV CONVERSION HELP FROM ALA 4) LIBRARY TECHNOLOGY TRAINING LIVE IN MARCH IN TUMWATER 5) A CALIFORNIA SUMMER READING WORKSHOP FOR VIEWING ONLINE 6) UPCOMING LIBRARY CONFERENCES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Click below to see this week's updates ... 1) CONTINUING EDUCATION GRANTS FROM WSL The CE Grant website for WSL has been updated to reflect a few changes in the CE Grant criteria and process, due to a narrowing in focus by IMLS on the purpose of the grants. For information about the new CE Grant criteria, visit Remember to apply for CE Grants to eligible workshops and pre-conferences at least 30 days before the event. For more information, contact Jennifer Fenton, CE/Training Coordinator at [email protected] or 360-570-5571. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) SUMMER READING PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS AVAILABLE SOON 30-second public service announcements (PSAs) for the 2009 Collaborative Summer Library Program for both the children’s Be Creative @ Your Library and the teen’s Express Yourself @ Your Library themes will soon be available in both English and Spanish from Upstart in the following formats: · VHS Tapes -$3.00 each · VHS 1-hour continuous loop tape (suitable for in-house promotions, fundraisers, etc.) - $3.00 each · DVD Digital Video Disc- $2.30 each · BETACAM (video cassette formatted for analog broadcast use) - $30.00 each · Digital BETACAM Tape (digital video cassette formatted for digital TV broadcast use) - $50.00 each Upstart will facilitate orders from individual libraries beginning March 9, 2009. A separate order form will be added to the CSLP ordering website at These orders will be shipped and billed directly to the individual library. If you’re interested in receiving the free sample of each PSA type which will come to WSL, contact Martha Shinners at [email protected], first come, first served. Martha can also forward to you further specific information about each type of PSA. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) DTV CONVERSION HELP FROM ALA If you have not yet checked out the DTV (digital television) resources available from ALA, take a look. Here’s the link to the Librarian’s Toolkit: here is ALA’s main page on the DTV conversion – complete with the updated cutover date, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) LIBRARY TECHNOLOGY TRAINING LIVE IN MARCH IN TUMWATER The Washington State Library is pleased to offer three free technology classes in March. All three workshops will be held at the Timberland Regional Library Service Center in Tumwater. Teaching Technology to the Public, March 23, 2009 from 9:00 a.m. to noon. To register, visit: . Library 2 Point...OH! Now I get it: Practical Applications of 2.0 tools, March 23, 2009 from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m: To register, visit: . More than Just Googling, March 24, 2009 from 9:00 a.m. to noon. To register, visit: . For more information and a further description of these free workshops, contact Jennifer Fenton, [email protected] , or toll free 1-866-538-4996. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) A CALIFORNIA SUMMER READING WORKSHOP FOR VIEWING ONLINE From the California Library Association: Here in California we were able to record one of our summer reading workshops and make it available for viewing on our website. If you would like to take a look, you can find the workshop and accompanying handouts at Ideas for children’s summer reading are at the top of the page (Pam Carlson’s and Sushila Merten’s presentations), and ideas for teen summer reading are below (Jennifer Lawson’s and Valerie Voss’s presentations). Funding for the recording and online archiving was provided by the California State Library’s Rural Library Initiative. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) UPCOMING LIBRARY CONFERENCES Here is a listing of upcoming library conferences, including several with national focus happening here in the Northwest. · ACRL, Association of College and Research Libraries, Seattle, March 12-15, · WLA, Washington Library Association, Spokane, April 15-18, · PNLA, Pacific Northwest Library Association, Missoula, MT, August 5-7, · ARSL, Association of Rural and Small Libraries, Gatlinburg, TN, Sept. 11-13, with a preconference on Sept. 10, · WALE, Washington Association of Library Employees, Wenatchee, Oct. 1-3, with a pre-conference Sept. 30 [no website yet; watch] · ABOS, Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services, Oct. 7-9, Everett, WA, · WLMA, Washington Library Media Association, Yakima, Oct. 8-10, · Streams Tribal Library Conference, Oct. 18-22, Portland, OR, · PLA 2010, Public Library Association, March 23-27, 2010, Portland, OR,

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